Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

Glomerulonephritis leads to STM in children accounts for the highest proportion, which is notably the cause of glomerulonephritis associated with infection (glomerulonephritis). Common disease in children after sore throat or dermatitis.
Causes of chronic kidney failure
Studies in our country show that 5-10% of children, the disease continues to progress chronic and cause kidney failure after 10 years of acute glomerulonephritis. 80% of children with acute glomerulonephritis occur after strep throat or strep skin, the rest by other bacteria. The common age is 6-9, the disease occurs year-round but focus on September - December

Research on renal biopsy in children with acute glomerulonephritis after 10-15 years showed that up to 70% of cases have partial or complete glomerular sclerosis lesions, of which 30-40% have clinical symptoms. . Particularly in Vinh Phuc province in 10 years (1995-2005), there were 274 children with acute glomerulonephritis who were treated at provincial hospitals, of which 5
4% of patients developed chronic disease and kidney failure, after 7-10 years, 1.

Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

8% of pediatric patients undergo dialysis (Ta Ngoc Cau, Ha Hoang Kiem).
If well done health care, body hygiene, oral hygiene, prevention and early treatment of throat and skin infections can reduce this disease, contributing to reducing the prevalence of STM in children .
Interstitial nephritis is a major cause of kidney failure.

- Pyelonephritis / interstitial nephritis
ranked second, in which obstruction of the urinary tract accounts for 6.2%, usually due to congenital renal pelvic junction obstruction. Can be detected early by ultrasound of the kidney and surgery for repair. B
Kidney disease due to urine reflux from the bladder to the ureter each time pushing urine accounts for 6


Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

This disease can be detected early by the symptoms of pain in the lumbar pit each time you push urine.
If the child has the above symptoms, it is necessary to take a bladder with contrast injection pump and push to identify. X-ray images will show urine reflux from the bladder to the ureter. This condition is caused by a defect in the valve between the urethra and bladder, which can be corrected to fix this defect.
- Congenital kidney disease has 16.2% of children with STM, of which follicular kidney disease accounts for 1.9%, can be detected early by ultrasound of the kidney. Alport syndrome accounts for 1.

Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

5% - this is a family-based disease syndrome, manifested by kidney failure and 50% of pediatric patients are accompanied by deafness. In addition, you may experience other congenital kidney diseases such as Cystinosis, Oxalosis.
- Systemic diseases account for 7% of STM children, including allergic vasculitis (Henoch - Schonlein - pupura) accounts for 2.4%. The disease is manifested by intermittent hemorrhage, mainly on the legs, symmetrical, can be accompanied by painful swelling of the joints, with proteinuria, can be treated with corticosteroids. Hemolytic syndrome - blood urea accounting for 3.1% expressed in jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, anemia, increased blood urea.
Consequences of chronic kidney failure
Once STM counts, the disease progresses to end-stage renal failure.

Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

At this time, in order to maintain the life of patients who have to undergo renal replacement therapy with dialysis or kidney transplantation, these are extremely expensive techniques.
Consistent treatment of STM only prolongs renal function stabilization time and slows the progression of end-stage renal failure.
Therefore, health care for children such as body hygiene, oral hygiene, prevention and early treatment of throat or skin infections and other infections, early detection of congenital kidney diseases such as stenosis pyelonephritis, reflux of bladder urine to the urethra, cystic kidney disease for early treatment, can reduce the incidence of children with STM.

The prevalence of STM in American children is 1 to 5 children per 1 million population (Fine and Gruskin 1984), of which more than 50% of STM children in the final stage are aged 11 - 16. In Germany, according to data from APN (Arbeitrgemeinschaft Fur Padiatrische Nephrologie), the ratio of terminal STM in children is 5 children / 1 million children.
This rate increases gradually by age group, from 0 - 5 years: 32%, 5 - 10 years: 72%, 10 - 16 years: 87%. According to data from the European Association of Dialysis and Kidney Transplant (EDTA), the percentage of STM children varies from 1 child per 1 million people (in Greece) to 11 children / 1 million people (in Israel). In our country, there are no data on STM in children, but the overall prevalence of STM for both children and adults is 0.

Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

06 - 0.08% of the population (18,064 survey in some residential areas). .
The causes of STM in children include: 31% glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis / interstitial nephritis 22.5%; congenital kidney disease 16.2%; systemic disease 7.0%; 1.5% renal vascular disease; other diseases 5.

Warning Chronic Kidney Failure In School Age

7%; unexplained 3.7% (according to EDTA)..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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