Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

Back pain is a manifestation of many different ailments in the human body. But the most obvious, most common cause of back pain is spinal degeneration.
And if people are born, grow up, and age, degeneration of the spine is also natural with age and years. It is important to know how to practice and practice to minimize the consequences of the disease.
What is spinal degeneration?
The spine is the support of the whole body

. Over the years, due to environmental influences, diet, exercise posture, activities, exercise and body weight that are weakened, aging and poor support.
What factors have accelerated the process of human spinal degeneration?
- Difficult living conditions, insufficient eating.
- Working, hard labor too early and too hard
For example, carrying, carrying the burden from 12, 13 years old, when the skeleton is still in the development stage, not yet shaped and completed.

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

- Unreasonable physical training and sports.
- Regularly carrying, carrying, pushing, pulling heavy objects in an incorrect posture.
- Sit too much or always work in a little changed position.
- Excess weight allows the spine to always support the body.
- Typically, the disease appears in people aged 35, 40 or older. The rate of spinal degeneration in men and women is almost the same although the cause is relatively different in the sexes. If in men it is mainly due to heavy labor, excessive sports, women are due to calcium deficiency, the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth that are not compensated promptly and fully

See your doctor right away if you have any of the following
- Sudden back pain, with no apparent cause.

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

- Back pain with other symptoms such as fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach cramps.
- Severe pain that lasts 2-3 days does not go away.
- Dull ache lasts 2 weeks.
- Back pain quickly spreads to legs, knees and feet.
Manifestations of spinal degeneration
- The most obvious manifestation is the frequent back pain, discomfort, frustration in the body, abnormal gait, squirm or back cuff ... If encountered such phenomena, there are if you have degenerated spine.

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

- If the back pain due to kidney or some other disease often occurs in a series of severe attacks, then back pain due to spinal degeneration is often dull, rattling day after day. Pain mainly in the lumbar and neck areas, neck. The unpleasant sensation that leads to loss of appetite, insomnia, thinning, reduced work capacity and affecting the general life of everyone around you.
- Sometimes there are acute pains that make you feel sharp, painful to other areas such as shoulders, sciatica, hip and thigh pain that you cannot walk for long.
How to control back pain and discomfort due to spinal degeneration?
- There are many methods currently used in hospitals: medicine, hydupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, stretching of the spine, physiotherapy, etc. All these methods must be visited by a specialist. examination and indication of implementation.
- When at home, if you have back pain, you should immediately lie down and relax.

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

But do not lie too long, making it difficult for blood to flow, increasing the feeling of fatigue. Just feel the pain and you have to walk a bit. In general, people with spinal degeneration should not be seated but should be exercised gently and exercise moderately.
- Hot compresses and massages are considered an immediate effective remedy. However, one big mistake is that when we have back pain, we often squeeze hot oil, bear bile and alcohol. Doing so will cause the affected area to have a muscle contraction reaction, making the pain worse.
- When you feel better, swim a bit. According to doctors, swimming is the most suitable sport to treat back pain, especially for acute pain, swimming in warm water tank will be very effective.

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

- Once having back pain due to spinal degeneration once, it should be preserved, not to relapse. Because if the pain repeats more and more severe. At some point, you just need to walk, stand, and act in a slightly unusual position, and have a sharp, sharp pain in your back.
- Need to eat fully nutritious and must abstain from alcohol and beer.
Preventing diseases in the way of daily activities
- Parents should pay attention to children in eating so that they have enough quality, study and sports properly. Today, the factors that can easily lead to later degeneration of the spine if not noticed from childhood are: children can sit for hours playing games in front of a computer screen, watching too much television, binge eating leading to obesity etc ...

Back Pain Due To Spinal Degeneration

- For the intellectual workers, just sit and work for 1-2 hours to get up and walk, practice some beneficial movements for the back.
- With manual workers, pay attention not to carry too much. With very heavy objects, never stand back and lift to pick up objects but must squat down, lift objects slowly.
- Exercise regularly and regularly. Tai Chi, swimming is great for preventing back pain due to spinal degeneration.
- For pregnant women, it is even more necessary to practice the correct method.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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