The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

Mao Huang went to medicine in treating cardiovascular in a fairly central position. But unfortunately besides the ability to save people instantly, it can also kill people in just moments ...
Why do plants go into medicine?
Cilantro is a tree that grows into small groves about 50cm tall

. The top of the tree can be 3 times longer than the base and has beautiful purple bell flower buds.
Because of the beauty of the tree and the garishness of the flowers, they are often grown as ornamental plants in Western countries, at locations along the entrance.
It is a plant with a super strong active ingredient for treating heart failure
And that is the connection between the cilia and human medicine.

The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

The reason why a tree works like that is because it contains in itself a very precious active ingredient. These are cardiac glycosides. They have types such as digitoxin, digoxin, digitoxingenin, digoxinenin ...
These are super potent active ingredients in heart muscle cells. It has the ability to stimulate heart muscle cells to contract strong enough to push blood out of the heart, something that people are desperately waiting to treat heart failure
Currently there is no drug "enemy" it.

The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

But besides such immense usefulness, one could not expect it to have "dead records" right in the trunk. It can save people right away but can kill people in just a few minutes.
Unexpected mysteries
In the 1780s, British physician William Withering discovered the medicinal properties of this plant. And from there, a series of toxic effects were also found.
Because of the effect of keeping calcium in cells, plants can cause death for patients. It was discovered that not only the leaves but the entire stem as well as flowers and seeds can be fatal.
In order to confirm this, people conducted experimental studies on the safety of extracts of the capillary and found that, at high concentrations, the capillary extract could completely kill a batch of mice, a batch of experimental rabbits.
Even if you purposely raise a dog with a colossal cilia extract, the dog may die immediately.

The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

It is worth mentioning that the dose we call "too high" of this extract is only equal to or equal to the usual to normal doses of many other common herbs.
Because of this level of toxicity, Cymbidium also has other nicknames of death and bellflower.
Toxicity levels of plants are also recorded in humans. Although the historical records do not specify the name, age, and the specific time of the death due to the capillary.
But with observable numbers and by logical deduction, it was estimated that the lethal dose of this purple flower plant.
According to specific calculations, it is estimated that the lethal dose of the tree is from 2-5g of fresh leaves. This dose can kill a healthy man weighing 50-70kg.
If we accidentally eat leaves, stalks or drink decoction, the extract of the tree only requires 2g of extract, 2g of fresh leaves or 5g of dried leaves, the complication is bad.

The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

Almost 100% of the victims died.
In 2000, a 39-year-old French woman was a typical victim of the buttercup. This is a middle-aged woman and suffers from severe depression because her husband died of heart failure. This woman was the one who died most because she drank capillary extract and had to go to the Department of intensive care, Henri Mondor Hospital, France in convulsions, vomiting, very fast heartbeat, strong heartbeat, Moderate renal failure, metabolic alkalosis and complete arrhythmia (dissociated atrioventricular). Initially, one could not find the poisoning drug. Because the victim has no typical expression. But after seeing signs of poisoning on the ECG, people found poisoning clues as the cardiac glycoside. In the garden of this woman's house, she planted many cilantro plants and obeyed the advice, she used extracts of Cymbidium to treat heart failure.

The Secret Of Purple Bell Flower

She drank the plant's extract and ended up suffering from severe poisoning. Fortunately, she was rescued in time and escaped death.
So far, heart failure has not been paid for, and heart-pounding drugs cannot be given in the past. Cilantro is therefore still unable to lose its role in cardiovascular therapy. But with what it is hidden, we can not neglect in use. Remember, it may be the savior of standard treatment, but it can also be a "death ambassador" when used improperly..

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