Sleepwalking: Causes, Manifestations And Treatment

Sleepwalking is a common disease but it does not identify the exact cause. Up to 40% of children sleepwalk at some time. In families with sleepwalking children, other children are also susceptible and most are fast growing children.
The cause of sleepwalking
It is thought that anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, night panic, sleepless hours, fever, chronic illness, magnesium deficiency, esophageal reflux, use of some mind medications Sedatives, sedatives, and antihistamines are all possible causes of somnambulism.
However, other factors that are also mentioned by many psychiatrists are when going to bed bladder full of urine, sleeping in a strange environment, a noisy sleeping place, too much light, people sleeping under stress

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can also lead to sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking: Causes, Manifestations And Treatment

In adults, this condition can be related to mental disorders, reaction to drugs, heavy drinkers, local seizures. In the elderly can be a manifestation of encephalopathy such as transient ischemia, cerebrovascular diseases ...
Sleepwalking occurs due to many reasons
Manifestations of sleepwalking
Sleepwalking is a state of walking in sleep. This is a type of sleep disorder, which people who go to sleep conduct some activities while still seem to be sleeping.
Sleepwalking can be encountered at any age, usually in children, even toddlers, the most common age is 3-7 years old

The person is sleeping, sitting, opening his eyes, walking around the room or going to the light, the child goes to the parent's bedroom, or goes to the window, climbs the window, opens the room door and goes out… lice people conduct a number of complex activities such as moving furniture, going to the bathroom, undressing or dressing and many other similar activities;
Some people get into cars, drive long distances while actually sleeping;
Some sexual acts may occur;
Adults may either have hallucinations or eat while walking;
It may be very difficult to wake such a sleepwalking person, they may attack the person who awakens himself;
Often the person looks clumsy, fumbles, has strange behaviors such as urinating in the trash;
Sometimes agitation occurs, men tend to be more violent;
Sleepwalking may suddenly end; the person may return to bed and continue sleeping;
Sleepwalking usually occurs 1-2 hours after sleeping in stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep (deep sleep) and lasts from a few seconds to 30 minutes;
When waking up, the patient does not remember anything about what happened.

Sleepwalking: Causes, Manifestations And Treatment

Sleepwalking may occur at night, or may be infrequent.
Sleepwalking person is not self-control about the behavior
How to cure sleepwalking
Cases that begin in adulthood should be consulted with a psychiatrist if you sleepwalk frequently, harm yourself or attack others ...
For the safety of the sick, let them sleep on the ground floor, in a room without furniture that could be harmful, and the door and window are fastened.
The bell should be kept at the entrance to alert others when patients open the door. The patient should then be brought back to bed and should not attempt to wake the person sleepwalking as this may provoke arousal, allowing the person to sleep enough time and time.
In some cases, the use of benzodiazepines, sedatives, tricyclic antidepressants can be used.

Sleepwalking: Causes, Manifestations And Treatment

If you have other conditions such as seizures or mental disorders, they need to be treated.
Particularly for children, when sleepwalking should gently bring children back to the bedroom. First take the child to the toilet because they may go to the toilet, then take the child to bed. Sleepwalking may end as soon as the child lies in bed. Do not expect your child to awaken to normal sleep.
Protect children from accidents, although rare, they may have an accident, especially when they are going out, may have a traffic accident, be bitten by a dog, get lost. So lock the door, do not let children sleep in narrow beds. Helping children avoid fatigue, exhausted fatigue, lack of sleep can increase sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking: Causes, Manifestations And Treatment

If a child needs to be awakened early in the morning, they should go to bed earlier the night before. Try to wake up on time to prevent sleepwalking: If your child often sleepwalks, record the time from sleep to start sleepwalking. Then wake them 15 minutes before they start to sleepwalk, keep them awake for 5 minutes. Doing so 7 nights in a row. If your child sleepwalks again, practice for another 7 nights
Children sleepwalking should always have relatives nearby
People who are sleepwalking need to be monitored and supported by relatives to avoid possible consequences while they are not in control of their behaviors./..

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