Enoki Mushroom – Precious Medicine

Enoki mushroom (NKC) is also called tinsel. In Vietnam, it's used to call NKC. Mushrooms come in two colors: yellowish brown or light yellow called NKC (needles are gold).
The mushroom is white in color called mercury mushroom (silver is called silver). In Hanoi, they sell Korean NKC in plastic bags that look like long white stalks about 10cm long and have a round bud at the top

In NKC, there are 16 types of amino acids including 8 types necessary for the human body, including many lysine and zinc to help children's memory and mental development, so called "mushrooms increase children's memory. "And" wise mushrooms ".
Because there is a lot of potassium, NKC is very suitable for people with hypertension, stroke prevention
NKC reduces cholesterol content and promotes peristalsis and stomach motility, thus obesity prevention.

Enoki Mushroom - Precious Medicine

Regular intake of NKC can prevent and treat liver and stomach ulcers.
NKC also works against fatigue, increases resistance, anti-inflammatory, excretes heavy metals from the body ...
Some dishes and remedies use NKC
- Detox, detoxify and lower blood pressure: NKC fresh 250g, mung bean sprouts 150g, spices, salt, soy sauce, MSG, ginger, vinegar, pepper powder, aromatic oil.
NKC discarded the root, washed bean sprouts, washed, blanched and mushrooms with boiling water and drained, then mixed with the above spices.
- Liver disease, sexual weakness: NKC fresh 100g, peeled shrimp 50g, spices: 200g sprouts, chicken broth 750g, frying oil, aromatic oil, salt, MSG, onion, ginger
NKC removed the original washed, washed coriander leaves and sliced.

Enoki Mushroom - Precious Medicine

Put oil in a frying pan, pour shrimp, onion, ginger, mustard leaf and sauté the chicken broth with NKC, boiled salt. Finally, the main seasoning, aromatic oil.
- Weak kidney, sexual impairment, poor digestion. Suitable for women with physical weakness and poor appetite:
1 catfish about 500g; NKC a little; ginger, garlic, finely chopped, sufficient volume of wood ear; 1/4 teaspoon salt; Starch 1/2 tablespoon, 1 little pepper. Soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, sesame oil, pepper a little.
Clarias catfish cleaned, brought to spices, fried, removed to drain. NKC with soft wood ear fungus, coated with boiling water, drain. Non-aromatic ginger, garlic, for NKC, fast turning wood ear, add alcohol, spices, bring to a boil, give fish, braise until the water runs out, add onion
- Complement of blood gas, emphysema irrigation, hemorrhagic activity, strong tendon, suitable for people with cough due to weak lungs, hemorrhoids with blood, dysentery with blood, congestion after giving birth: 4 quails, 2 mushrooms, jujube 2 fruits; NKC, wood ear, ginger, onion, just enough.

Enoki Mushroom - Precious Medicine

Ginger juice, wine, 1/2 tsp, salt 1/4 tsp, starch, soy sauce 1 tsp each, 1/8 tsp sugar, sesame oil, pepper a little.
Soaked shiitake mushrooms, remove the base of the stem, wash, shred, NKC, soft wood ear fungus, dip through boiling water, rinse well, jujube remove seeds.
Quail cleaned, removed organs, boned meat for meat, sliced thin, marinated with shiitake mushrooms, NKC, wood ear, ginger, jujube, sprinkled with onions. Simmer boiling steam for 10 minutes, watering little fat, eat while it is still hot.
- Children sometimes have nosebleeds. Because of apple fire or gas heat, NKC should be used as a therapeutic food. If there is no fresh NKC then use dried NKC.
Each time use NKC about an ounce, in combination with fish or meat, cook soup for children to use with meals.

Enoki Mushroom - Precious Medicine

It is effective to use twice a week.
- Preventing and treating osteoporosis, hypertension: 2 bars of tofu, 150g of lingzhi, straw mushrooms, NKC, 50g of crab meat, 2 teaspoons of garlic, ground onion, 2 tablespoons of broth, 1 teaspoon of flour , cooking oil, soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1/2 teaspoon chili sauce.
Wash mushrooms, slice, onion, garlic, crab meat, mushrooms in stir-fry, seasoning. For boiling water, add diluted tapioca flour, cut tofu into pieces, give sauce, steam for 5 minutes.
- Obesity prevention and treatment, detoxification (NKC with melon price): NKC 200g, bean sprouts 200g, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 cucumber, 1 chili, 10g cilantro, mix well with 1 teaspoon vinegar soup, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar soup, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon chopped chili.
NKC cut the root, washed, drained. Bean sprouts washed, cut off the head and root. Carrots peeled, cut yarn.

Enoki Mushroom - Precious Medicine

Cucumber removed from intestines, thinly sliced, seeded chili horns, cut into pieces. For NKC, price, cucumber, chili, coriander into the bowl, mixed with water and mix.
Note: Need to distinguish with acupuncture needles as ornamental porch, also used as food and medicine..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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