Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

As we all know, tooth decay is caused by many causes in which the fermentation of carbohydrates sticking to teeth after eating by the bacteria in the oral cavity that produce acids that destroy tooth enamel plays an important role.
So, along with maintaining good oral hygiene, having a scientific diet is the key to preventing tooth decay.
What food causes tooth decay?
Sugar in the diet can be divided into two types: endogenous sugars (sugars in fruits and vegetables) and exogenous sugars (added sugars, juices, milk). Exogenous sugars are more likely to cause tooth decay, so reducing exogenous sugars in the diet.
Added sugar also includes added sugar for children and syrups, so long-term use also increases the risk of tooth decay

However, the direct correlation between the sugar diet and the incidence of tooth decay depends on the way and the frequency of sugar eating rather than the total sugar consumed by each individual.
The risk of tooth decay is higher in people with snacking habits and in those who eat sticky sugary foods.
Therefore, it is necessary to practice the habit of only eating sugar at main meals, not adding foods, drinking sugary drinks, especially those easy to stick on the surface of the teeth (biscuits, candy, chocolate sticks, caramel

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

.) between meals.
Starch: Epidemiological studies show that starch has little risk of tooth decay. Cooked starches cause decay by one third or half of the potential of saccarose caries. However, a mixture of starch and saccarose has the potential to cause more tooth decay than starch alone.
Cooked starches are less likely to cause tooth decay than saccarose
Diet advice
Icing sugar
It is recommended that free sugar consumption of less than 10kg / person / year (on average about 500g / person / month) will significantly reduce the incidence of tooth decay.
Currently, non-sugar substitutes are increasingly used, especially in the confectionery and beverage industry, including in chewing gum

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Sugar substitutes such as sorbitol, malnitol, hydrolyzed glucose syrup, isomalt, xylitol, lactitol ... are low sweet; saccharin, acesulfame K, aspatame, thaumatin are dark sweet.
Sweeteners replace sugar almost or not as causing caries. Dark sweet and xylitol do not cause tooth decay, while less sweet ones can be metabolized by plaque bacteria but at a very slow rate, they can be considered safe, some sweeteners have been given. permission to use.

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

Xylitol is also used today to make chewing gum to prevent tooth decay.
White starch food (flour that removes many of the outer crust of the grain) makes sugar and acids stick to teeth. Therefore, in the daily diet we should alternate between pure, refined foods with high fiber foods (cellulose) will make teeth strong and clean teeth.
Note: Do not let children drink fruit juice, milk ... by bottle because drinking fruit juice by a bottle will prolong the time your baby comes into contact with sugars and acids from fruits, do not let your baby suck on pacifier. sweeteners like honey, jam or sweet syrup.

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

These bad habits can cause multi-tooth decay because bottle feeding is very dangerous. For children who have had a bottle-feeding habit, they need to have a dentist's advice to eliminate the bottle-feeding habit: they can immediately stop or replace milk with sweeteners to replace sugar, gradually reduce the number of times, sweetness, Used Time…
Avoid giving your child sweets throughout the day, limiting the amount of sweets and only allowing them to eat during meals.
Practice giving your child the habit of holding the rice in his mouth when eating, this habit also has consequences as well as the habit of bottle-feeding.
Foods that are not harmful to teeth are mentioned: cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, radish, carrots, melon, lettuce ... have the effect of cleaning teeth and Eliminating plaque deposits on teeth.
Foods like bananas, dates, grapes, tomatoes, peas, figs, figs, sweet apples, pomegranates, oranges, tangerines, blueberries, etc.

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

contain a lot of carbohydrates that can cause tooth decay, but should not They are also good for dental health, like cleansing and fluoride, in addition to the vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
Some vegetables work to clean teeth and remove plaque from the teeth
Medicines for children should also use sweeteners instead of sugar to replace sugar that can cause tooth decay will reduce the rate of tooth decay for children.
Use foods rich in calcium, phosphatse, vitamin D. These substances are found in milk, green vegetables, fish, cheese ... help strengthen teeth and fight osteoporosis in the elderly.
Although in our country, the cheese eating habit is not popular, but this is a rich source of calcium, phosphates, when eating cheese, calcium will be released, attach to the tooth surface and re-mineralize the tooth surface against the attack of acid.

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay

In addition, increasing dietary fat may reduce the impact of tooth decay agents.
Flexible combination
We can alternately use foods that cause tooth decay with foods that do not cause tooth decay, it would be better.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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