Accidents After Abortion!

The arbitrary purchase of drugs, and arbitrary use of drugs for abortion can lead to painful consequences such as haemorrhage, cervical infection - which may require removal of the cervix.
Many young people, after "eating before lunch," have chosen to use medical abortion - a method required by doctors who have undergone training. After "eating in front of guys", many young people have come to "underground abortion" facilities that do not meet the standards to deal with the consequences of fear of relatives and friends. In particular, many people have opted for a medical abortion - a method that is required by doctors who have undergone training.
Living plants for drug abortion
On October 5, the Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital received a 16-year-old girl transported by a stretcher from a private hospital (on Giang Vo Street) in a state of blood loss, blue skin, weak condition, and blood

. apply only 70/40, dangerous to life. The patient must receive a blood transfusion. Positive blood test and pregnancy test results - meaning pregnant patients

Through examination, ultrasound showed that the patient had large tumors in the abdomen, massive blood flow.

Accidents After Abortion!

The patient had a cervical infection and fever. Doctors examined the vagina and cervix when a nearly three-month-old fetus emerged itself in a state of decomposition and odor. "The smell is so unpleasant that people wear masks but still have to hold their breath, grimace" - a nurse said. The patient was given antibiotics and hemostatic medication so her health was stable, but the uterus was infected, not sure if it could be kept.
Or like another case at Tu Du Hospital, TP. Although pregnant women are very young, but had to permanently remove the uterus incapable of motherhood. The reason is that pregnant women are forced to use medical abortion methods in a private clinic when the fetal position does not have ultrasound
The fetus developed at the old incision, the placenta clung deeply to the lining of the uterus, so the abortion drug caused a massive hemorrhage, causing shock.

Accidents After Abortion!

The more painful case is that of a 26-year-old pregnant woman in Ho Chi Minh City. When she was five weeks pregnant, she went to a private medical facility and was given medical abortion. After receiving the medication, the patient lost a lot of blood and required emergency surgery. Doctors at Tu Du Hospital found that the abdomen was full of blood and the sac was located in the corner of the uterus. This is an abnormal position, broken, causing intense bleeding. As a result of the excessive loss of blood, the patient had to permanently live the plant life.
Not every doctor can do it
Obstetrician-gynecologist Le Thi Kim Dung, Center for Labor Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development warns: Not all physicians have enough techniques to perform and monitor this process. Therefore, people are not allowed to have medical abortion because pharmacists who sell medicines cannot do it properly.

Accidents After Abortion!

Cases of indicated medical abortion in hospitals and maternal health-care facilities must be women doctors trained in abortion.
The arbitrary purchase of medication, arbitrary appointment of medication can lead to painful consequences such as haemorrhage, cervical infection - may require cervical removal. If an abortion is performed at an unqualified facility, a doctor has not been trained in abortion medicine, the pregnant woman will not be fully examined, she may be dead but she will not be completely discharged, leading to errors. fetus, placental abruption cause menorrhagia, blood loss and high risk of uterine infection
In addition, not all pregnant women who want to perform a medical abortion will have to rely on the condition of the fetus (whether in the womb or not, the gestational age is suitable for the hospital line allowed to apply or not). Pregnant women with adrenal gland diseases, long-term corticosteroid therapy, hypertension, mitral stenosis, embolism or history of embolism, coagulopathy, severe anemia, asthma, women old scars in the uterus, uterine deformities ... can not use this method.

Accidents After Abortion!


. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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