Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

When the body has a bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics to treat it is essential. But for pregnant women, the use of antibiotics must be very careful. The following antibiotics should be absolutely avoided in pregnant mothers ..

Aminoglycosides cause permanent deafness
Aminoglycoside antibiotics are a group of antibiotics commonly used in the treatment of ear, nose and throat infections, abdominal infections, meningococcal infections. We can meet this antibiotic under names such as gentamicin, amikacin, neomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin .

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Especially with lung diseases, the drug is often chosen when pneumonia occurs. It is also used to make eye drops such as tobra, tobrex ...
Do not use these drugs for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. The reason is that the drug can cause kidney damage and poison the baby's inner ear (causing deafness not to recover). Therefore, pregnant mothers should not use this medication to avoid the risk of affecting the hearing of children later

Pregnant women need to avoid some antibiotics that affect the fetus
Tetracycline group causes tooth enamel damage
Tetracycline is an intestinal antibiotic.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

People often use this antibiotic to treat diarrhea caused by cholera, dysentery, E.coli infection. Other digestive infections are also very sensitive to this antibiotic.
This is also a common antibiotic in pharmacies, frontline health facilities because of its low price. However, it should be noted when using with pregnant women because of the risk of damaging the enamel of children. It was found that if a mother became pregnant on the seventh month of pregnancy on tetracycline, the baby was born with a broken tooth enamel, yellowish gray or tarnished. That's because tetracycline combines closely with calcium to form an extremely stable complex.
Facing this risk, tetracycline should not be used for pregnant mothers.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

If it is necessary to use medication, other safer antibiotics such as cephalosporin should be used.
Quinolones cause cartilage damage
This is also a broad-spectrum antibiotic group such as ciprofloxacin, pefloxacin. They have an advantage with bacteria on the genital urinary system, they inhibit the growth of bacteria that enable the body to destroy bacteria with the power of the immune system. But these antibiotics are at risk of causing disorders of the development of children joints. If a mother takes the quinolon antibiotic during pregnancy or lactation, the child will passively "take" this antibiotic.

Antibiotic concentration in the child's body increases. As a result, the child's bones and cartilage do not grow, even causing a tendon rupture. This means that the child cannot stand on tiptoe and the foot is always folded in a position where the foot touches the heel.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Even a child younger than 10 years of age taking this antibiotic will have the same consequences, since the damage on the cartilage system is unchanged.
If mothers have urinary tract infections during pregnancy, they should choose a safer antibiotic line such as beta lactam, spiramycin, metronidazole ...
Antifungal antibiotics ketoconazole cause malformations
Ketoconazole is a familiar antifungal antibiotic. The drug has a strong effect on tinea, hair and nail fungus. Cases such as waterpipe and vitiligo using ketoconazole are very effective.
Often people only use the pill form when patients with severe, large-scale skin fungus or nail fungus, hair fungus.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

In most cases, the drug is formulated as topical ointment. There is clear evidence that the drug can be toxic to an unborn baby and cause finger stick deformities for babies later.
Therefore, avoiding the maximum risk of using this medication is essential. If you have tinea, it is advisable to use topical medicines. Using external solutions such as ASA, BSI will be less toxic to the fetus. Clotrimazol can be used instead but only on a narrow area and in the middle and late months of pregnancy.
Biseptol intestinal antibiotics cause severe anemia
Biseptol is an important and broad-spectrum intestinal antibiotic. It is very effective for cases of digestive infections and patients with signs of severe diarrhea.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Biseptol is an oral drug that is often used when patients suffer from diseases such as food poisoning, acute diarrhea, E.coli infection in water sources ... the drug proved to be very dominant.
However, we need to pay close attention to removing this antibiotic from the list of drugs used in pregnancy. Because the mechanism of action of the drug is inhibition of competition with folic acid to disrupt the metabolism of bacteria, causing bacteria to be destroyed. But unfortunately, the drug is resistant to folic acid of the mother, who needs a lot of blood to raise children.

Antibiotics That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Therefore, taking this medication during pregnancy means the mother will have severe anemia. Consequently, the mother is anemic and the fetus is malnourished for development..

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