Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

Inflammation of the VA virus overexpresses to form a new mass called nasopharyngeal wart. Nasopharyngeal (VA) will obstruct the airways and some of the child's adjacent stool if not treated and resolved completely will have many complications.
Manifestations of VA inflammation
VA is a lymphoid (lymphatic) organization located at the roof of the roof, behind the posterior nostril. When inhaled, the air will enter the nose, pass through the VA and into the trachea and lungs.
VA is present when babies are born, when they are not inflamed, they are small in size (about 4 - 5mm), very thin, arranged in leaves so that they are easily exposed to the outside and with this size, the airway is completely normal

At about 6 months of age, VA develops gradually with immune function to prevent the invasion of microorganisms, usually until about 6-7 years old atrophy leaving only traces at puberty. How to treat VA children is determined by a health care provider
VA usually has 2 types: acute and chronic. Acute VA usually occurs in children as early as 6 - 7 months of age until 4 - 7 years of age (sometimes seen in older children)

VA is an inflammation of the lymphoid organization (lymph) located at the roof of the roof, behind the back of the nose
Children often have a fever above 38oC accompanied by a runny nose.

Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

Nasal discharge in the early days is clear, then thickened and purulent. Babies often have a stuffy nose, especially when they are sleeping or are evident in breast-feeding children (babies do not breastfeed constantly but sometimes have to tip their nipples to breathe and cry).
Most children have a cough and bronchitis complications are more difficult to breathe, especially spasms of bronchitis in some children. The health of the child gradually decreases, so the child is tired, anorexia, poor sleep or crying, bad breath. Acute VA can also be very mild and does not affect the health of the child and the child still eating, playing , normal sleep like other children so parents often overlook or ignore.
Acute VA, if not detected and treated early, can easily turn into a chronic form of VA. Chronic VA is a prolonged form of inflammation that often presents with a stuffy nose and chronic runny nose
Nasal discharge is thick, pus-filled and drains all day long, if VA is inflamed by the blue pus bacillus (pseudomonas aeruginosa), the nasal mucus is green, so it is often said that the nasal cavity is green.

Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

Nasal congestion in chronic VA often occurs both day and night, making it difficult for children to breathe, thus often breathing through the mouth. Accompanied by mouth breathing, children often snore loudly and sometimes have very dangerous apnea.
Consequences of VA inflammation
When VA is less or less, it can affect the airway of the child because VA is inflamed and enlarged, obstructing air circulation, thereby making the brain lack of oxygen (oxygen). Babies have difficulty breathing and have to breathe through their mouth when sleeping, which will cause deformation of some parts such as blue skin, teething teeth, growing skewed, upper lip being pulled upwards, lower lip hanging, making children's face change. change.
VA can lead to bronchitis in children
It is often said that children have a VA face because when they have a chronic VA (VA is overactive), it will greatly affect the function of the nose (because they breathe through their mouths), making the tip of the nose smaller. , lower jaw bone development, erect upper teeth, child's chin is protruding and bigger.
When children have VA, they may also have complications that make other diseases worse and more dangerous.

Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

It is bronchitis. Bronchitis occurs after only a few days of acute VA, children continue fever, high fever, cough more often, difficulty breathing, purple lips, swollen nose wings. Bronchitis due to complications of VA is very dangerous for children but easy to miss because their family members think they only have VA.
Therefore, it is necessary to be very vigilant to quickly let children see a doctor. VA can also lead to acute otitis media. If it is a complication of acute VA infection, it is common for children to have purulent acute otitis media. Children with high fever, fussing due to soreness in the ear, some children may have diarrhea.
The diarrhea here is not caused by children swallowing VA pus but due to neurological reflexes that stimulate intestinal motility, increase intestinal motility and cause diarrhea (when the middle ear infection is gone diarrhea).

Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

Acute otitis media may have pus oozing out. For chronic, long-lasting VA can lead to otitis media, the fluid clears out. Children with mild fever and serous otitis media are also less dangerous than purulent acute otitis media. In addition, when children have VA infection, it can cause acute or chronic laryngitis, leading to an increase in fever (acute) and hoarseness (sometimes loss of voice).
VA is also one of the main causes of tonsillitis in children who already have tonsils. Tonsillitis can also be acute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis due to complications of VA will cause high fever, sore throat, swallowing.
Treatment and care of children with VA infection
Need to take children to see a doctor, preferably a specialist in otorhinolaryngology, if they suspect a respiratory infection, they should be examined by a pediatric specialist.

Are Children With Va Infection Dangerous, How To Treat Them?

Should not be subjective when children have VA, because there will be many complications that cause children with physical and intellectual underdevelopment due to the lack of oxygen in the brain because the air in the nasal passages is obstructed.
Treatment v.

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