Babies Can Get Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B of all ages and genders can be infected by viruses, of which hepatitis B is the most dangerous, especially in newborns, and the negative consequences can occur.
What causes hepatitis B?
The main cause of hepatitis B virus infection in newborns is that the mother becomes infected with the virus and passes it on to her baby through maternal blood or through the placenta during pregnancy. According to statistics, in our country about 10 - 13% of pregnant women infected with the hepatitis B virus. This is a very large percentage.
If the mother had hepatitis B in the early part of pregnancy (the first 3 months), the rate of mothers passing the virus to their children was low (about 1%) and if the mother had hepatitis B By the third trimester of pregnancy, the percentage of mothers who transmit the disease to their children is up to 10%, especially if the mother has hepatitis B in the last 3 months of pregnancy, the percentage of mothers who transmit the germs to I have 60-70%

. Thus, the percentage of pregnant women infected with the hepatitis B virus passed to the fetus from the 3rd month onwards is very high.
Hepatitis B can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Today, to assess the progress of the hepatitis B virus in an infected person's body, there are many different but common methods that can be applied at provincial hospital laboratories to identify HBsAg. and HBeAg

HBsAg is the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus, and a positive test shows that the person has been infected with the virus.

Babies Can Get Hepatitis B

HBeAg is also an antigen of the hepatitis B virus (core antigen). The emergence and existence of this antigen indicates that the virus is multiplying (proliferation and liver cells are being invaded).
During this period, if liver enzyme tests (SGOT, SGPT, GGT) are found, the liver enzymes are very high (at least double the normal index) because liver cells are damaged by viruses, released. liver enzymes. Statistics show that when a blood test of a pregnant mother in the last 3 months finds that both types of HBsAg and HBeAg are positive (in parallel), the rate of mother-to-child virus transmission is up. from 90 -100%. However, if these two tests were conducted simultaneously and only found positive for HBsAg, while HBeAg was negative, the percentage of mothers passing the disease to their children was much lower (about 20%)

Is hepatitis B dangerous to children?
Infants infected with the hepatitis B virus by transmission from the mother are a serious problem in their treatment.

Babies Can Get Hepatitis B

The number of children infected with hepatitis B virus from the mother can become acute hepatitis, accounting for about 5-7%.
The number of infants with acute hepatitis often has no typical clinical symptoms, most of which are manifestations of the disease. Acute hepatitis B in newborns may have some symptoms such as jaundice, yellow urine, poor breastfeeding or poor feeding.
Hepatitis B symptoms should be monitored in children because they usually do not manifest themselves clearly
Blood tests will show that liver enzymes and blood bilirubin are also very high. These symptoms are easy to ignore because children are often in a dimly lit room, and especially observed under the light, which is difficult to assess or detect, sometimes it can be confused with physiological jaundice. Seek medical attention immediately.
It has also been found that up to 50% of babies born to mothers with hepatitis B can become chronic hepatitis and be at risk of developing adult cirrhosis, even liver cancer.
What to do when an infant suspects hepatitis B?
When a newborn is suspected of having hepatitis B, he / she should be examined immediately, preferably at a medical facility eligible for testing.

Babies Can Get Hepatitis B

If the child is diagnosed with hepatitis B, the physician's instructions should be followed, and if the jaundice is relieved or gone, the child should be examined every month for about 6 months.
Babies who are born without hepatitis B should get the 1st dose within 24 hours of birth. The child must be vaccinated for the 2nd dose a month away from the 1st and 3rd shots when the child is 2 months old. For women of childbearing age, if the blood test has not been infected with the hepatitis B virus, the vaccination should be given immediately after the test.
Getting hepatitis B vaccinations for children is essential
For women who are carriers of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg positive and even if HBeAg positive) want to get pregnant, consult a specialist.
For women who have not been vaccinated yet, during pregnancy, they need hepatitis B advice from a specialist to know how to handle it, especially hepatitis B from the 3rd month. of pregnancy onwards. For couples who have not been infected with the hepatitis B virus, the vaccination should be given immediately after the negative HbsAg test to be safe while the wife is pregnant.

Babies Can Get Hepatitis B

If one of the couple (the spouse) is infected with the hepatitis B virus, the other person also needs to get the vaccination urgently..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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