Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

In order to avoid having a baby with intestinal disorders, you need to ensure your child has a reasonable, scientific and hygienic diet. At the same time, children should not be given antibiotics without antibiotics because antibiotics not only kill harmful bacteria but also kill bacteria that are good for the digestive tract, leading to intestinal bacterial disorders in children.
Causes of intestinal bacterial disorders in children
Usually after birth, from 10 to 20 hours, the baby's stomach and intestines almost no bacteria. But after being exposed to the environment, combined with the feeding, the bacteria invade through the mouth, respiratory tract, rectum and form a bacterial system in the digestive tract called the microflora. intestinal tract

. These bacteria are divided into 2 types which are beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria.
Normally these bacteria are always in a balanced position, children will have a healthy intestinal tract, good digestion and absorption. But for some reason, such as malnutrition, inappropriate eating, prolonged use of antibiotics or antibiotics, changes in weather, etc
, can cause a disorder of a bacterial flora called a bacterial disorder.

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

When antibiotics are used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, pneumonia ... the antibiotic kills bacteria that are good for the digestive tract, causing intestinal disorders.
Treatment of intestinal disorders in children
Microbiological preparations
To treat intestinal bacteria can use probiotics (probiotics are benign bacteria) such as Antibio, Lactomin Plus, Biolactin (dosage as directed by the doctor) .

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

In a few weeks the disease will be stable . It is important that children with intestinal disorders cause digestive disorders, affecting the ability to digest and absorb food, so in addition to giving probiotics, children should have a proper diet. physical.
Do not give your baby lots of sweets. If the child is still breastfed, continue to breastfeed normally, while the mother must also abstain from sweets. If your baby has to eat formula milk, choose milk without lactose (free lactose).
Children need a full range of nutrients and energy, so they should eat easily digestible foods such as chicken, lean pork, yogurt, soy milk, pumpkin, carrots, banana, etc. sapodilla .

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

.. should replace grease with cooking oil. Avoid giving your child indigestible foods like corn, whole beans, high fiber foods. In addition, children can drink apple juice, sapodilla juice, ground bananas. Attention should be paid to ensuring food hygiene and safety and food hygiene. Children should eat 1-2 more yogurt per day.
Because yogurt is easily absorbed and maintains the balance of bacteria, soya yogurt can help patients with intestinal bacterial disorders recover and recover quickly.

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

Research shows that after 30 days of using this type of yogurt, more than 90% of patients (both adults and children) gain 0.5-3 kg in weight. Children 13-20 months of age use 150 ml, the above time. Other children's meals are maintained as usual.
This yogurt can be made from soybean seeds or raw soybean flour:
Made from soybean seeds: Bean seeds 100-150 g, sugar 50-70 g, Lactobacillus yeast 20 g, water 1 liter. Choose good and firm seeds, soak in 20-30oC warm water for 6-8 hours, clean the skin and grind the water (you can grind it with a blender, a hand blender or a mortar). Then filter the residue through thin film filter, add sugar. Bring the milk to a boil, let it cool to 30-40 ° C, then add the yeast (finely ground).

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

Pour milk into a clean cup, place in an incubator at 40-50oC for 2 hours (if there is no incubator can incubate in warm water of 40-50oC). When the surface of curd is smooth.
Made from raw soybean meal: Soybean meal lives from 60 - 65g, sugar from 50 - 70g, Lactobacillus yeast 20g, 1 liter of water.
Dissolve soybean flour in warm water of 30-35oC and filter through thin film. The next steps are done in the same way.
Satisfactory products are white, smooth, evenly frozen from the bottom of the cup to the surface of the milk, the taste is slightly sour and greasy. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator 1-2 days.
Prevention of intestinal bacterial disorders for children
In order for children not to have digestive disorders, you need to pay attention to a reasonable and punctual diet, give your child fresh and easily digestible food, drink plenty of water, eat lots of vegetables, yogurt.

Bacterial Intestinal Disorders In Children

Limit foods high in fat, protein as well as foods for a long time, easy to spoil.
When the baby is found to have symptoms of digestive disorders to avoid arbitrarily using antibiotics, because antibiotics not only kill harmful bacteria, but also beneficial bacteria are killed, making the baby's illness worse..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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