Chickenpox: Things To Know

Chickenpox, known to us as chickenpox (in the North), chickenpox (in the South). The culprit is Varicella zoster virus. The only source of infection is the sick person. The incidence of disease is often high in urban areas, where densely populated, especially at the time of harvest. The most infected age is 2-7 years old, most of them have not been vaccinated against chickenpox; rarely seen in children under 6 months

. Adults are also expensive.
After an incubation period of about 14-15 days, the disease developed. In many cases, children still play normally so the mother does not notice, until the beans grow or accidentally discovered a few nodules in the hair of the baby shampoo
Sometimes children have mild fever, runny nose, anorexia, refusing to play, itching .

Chickenpox: Things To Know

.. Older children may complain of aching joints and 2-3 days after sprouting beans. Initially a rash, looks like a measles rash. The rash grows everywhere, not in a certain order: the rash grows more on the scalp, in the hair follicles, a few hours later it becomes a burn. The burn is very shallow, like an oval, like a dewdrop; If you take out two stretched fingers, you will see the flat side of the note crease. Beans usually sparse
The nodules grow very quickly and grow in waves every 2-3 days, so in the same area of the skin, there can be all kinds of nodules of different ages: big nodules, small nodules, red nodules, burn nodules, pitched scab.

Chickenpox: Things To Know

If you have a bacterial infection, the pox will cause pus, swelling and itching to scratch the skin, leaving a deep scar. In general, when detected early and treated promptly, the disease often develops benign: pea is often sparse, children's health changes are minimal. By the 4th or 6th day, the peas are crusted, the scales are dark brown. A week after peeling and leaving no scars. Cured.
In severe cases, the beans grow thicker, to more than a thousand notes; the beans grow in the mucous membranes of the mouth, conjunctiva of the eye and then rupture immediately. Adults also suffer, often severe illness: patients often have a high fever of 39-40oC, some people are restless, delirious; thicker burns may be bloody. If not treated promptly, the disease progresses worse and can be fatal.

Chickenpox: Things To Know

Pregnant women in the first half of pregnancy if infected with chicken pox, the brain ... fetus can be deformed; If a mother has chickenpox a week before birth, the baby is at risk of death. If the child scratches a lot or does not take good care of the hygiene, the burn may become superinfected, causing severe dermatitis, acute glomerulonephritis or septicemia.
Chickenpox is inherently a mild disease but if it is not detected early, without proper care, without timely and proper treatment, the disease will be severe, and cause many dangerous complications. - First, sick children must be isolated and monitored at a treatment facility (commune health station, ward) for the whole time from the beginning of the illness to the desquamation; Sick children must leave school 7-10 days. Before returning to kindergarten, the classroom .

Chickenpox: Things To Know

.. remember to take a bath. Caregivers of sick children must wear a mask, avoiding direct contact with the burn epidemic. Done, wash your hands with soap.
Clothes, towels ...

Chickenpox: Things To Know

sick people need to be soaked in soap, sun-dried, ironed. Pregnant women should not visit or care for the sick. - Keep children's skin clean: keep hands clean and trim nails short; children should wear gloves, rub talcum powder or sterile talcum powder all over their body to help reduce itching; avoid scratching because scratching causes the burns to burst, bacterial infections. - Eye drops, antiseptic nose such as chloramphenicol 4 parts per thousand or 1 %yryrol (3-4 times / day), acyclovir cream 3%. - Reduce fever with paracetamol (do not use aspirin). - Apply acyclovir 5% cream to reduce itching, minimize damage and superinfection. - Severe cases, give acyclovir. - When the burn is broken, apply methylene blue to reduce aches, astringent, and prevent bacterial superinfection; Do not apply tetracycline ointment, penicillin ointment or red medicine.

Chickenpox: Things To Know

To prevent disease, the most effective measure is vaccination against chickenpox. - Children aged 12 months to 12 years: single injection (0.5 ml subcutaneously). - Children 13 years and older and adults: 2 injections, the second nose 6-10 weeks from the first shot. Note: Women of childbearing age, after vaccination should immediately apply a reliable contraceptive method (such as condoms, oral contraceptive pills) within 3 months.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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