Children With Knee Pain – How To Handle?

Adolescent knee pain, also known as Osgood-Schlatter disease, is a painful swelling of the protruding tuberculosis region of the tibia, just below the patella due to excessive joint movement.
Knee injuries when exercising
In adolescence, the body is developing, the new baby's bones are formed from the synaptic cartilage located at the tip of the bone. When under the same force, bone does not hurt, and cartilage is not as strong as bone, so it is swollen and painful. This type of knee pain is a consequence of ongoing motor injuries, acting on the top of the tibia bone at the attachment site of the patella.
The activities of children such as running, bending knees when practicing athletics, football, volleyball, gymnastics

... make quadriceps muscles pulled much, acting on the kneecap
When the kneecap is pulled, even removed from the area it adheres to, the protruding tubercle leads to painful swelling.

Children With Knee Pain - How To Handle?

Manifestations of the disease
Children in their teens after a lot of exercise or running and having Osgood-Schlatter disease will have the following symptoms: they complain of pain in the knee, visible swelling and pain in the protruding tuberculin on the tibia, just below the bone patella.
The nature of pain is increased pain when exercising, especially when running, lessened at rest. Depending on the injury, the degree of pain is more or less: Children only feel a slight pain when running around if the injury is first or mild. In contrast, severe or recurring injuries, the child has a lot of pain, constant pain. Pain lasts from weeks to months, pain recurs whenever the child is exercising or exercising.
Pain until the child stops growing. The disease usually occurs on one knee or both sides
The muscles involved, especially the quadriceps muscle contract.

Children With Knee Pain - How To Handle?

The diagnosis may be based on symptoms: swollen, red, painful joints; X-ray shows tendon and bone damage.
Take care of a child who has knee pain
When a child has knee pain, the family and the child can take some self-care measures to reduce inflammation and pain through a variety of measures such as resting the knee joint. Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling and pain. When your child participates in physical activity and sports, an extra pad on the knee area is needed to protect the knee joint. Reduce pressure on the knee by wearing a protective belt on the patella tendon to reduce contraction on the tendon adhesion to the tibia.
If possible, switch to non-knee activities such as swimming ...

Children With Knee Pain - How To Handle?

until the pain is gone. Chipped lesions in the protruding tuberculosis on tibia bone in Osgood-Schlatter disease. Take care of the area around your knee like doing a quad flexor. Limiting movements that affect the knee area such as kneeling, running, jumping ...
If the child is in a lot of pain, it is necessary to completely stop the movements that affect the knee joint for a while until the child is no longer in pain. Need for children to use crutches until the knee heals completely, usually from 2-3 months.

Children With Knee Pain - How To Handle?

Children can use anti-inflammatory pain medication with one or a few combination of non-steroidal drugs such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, analgin ... If the child has severe pain and lasts more than a month, it is necessary for children to rest. , inactive, at the same time, need to fix knee in plastic frame for 6 - 8 weeks.
To help children avoid illness, parents and teachers, teenagers need to guide children to recognize the symptoms of knee pain and they need to limit their movements and exercise intensity. If the quadriceps muscle pulls, it will put pressure on the kneecap tendon at its adhesion position to the tip of the tibia, so the child should practice exercises to relax the quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles to minimize painful swelling in the bulging region of the tibia.
Every time you step into practice, your child should be instructed on how to start well.

Children With Knee Pain - How To Handle?

After each training session, your child needs to perform movements to relax the muscles in his knee..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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