Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

The colon is a place for storing digestive wastes before they are expelled. This is also a very vulnerable part to bacteria, fungus attack. So what are the colon diseases, how to treat ..

. Let's find out through the article below.
What is the colon, located, where does it function?
The colon is the last part of the digestive tract, attached to the anus by the gastrointestinal tract. It is an important part of the abdominal cavity

The colon is responsible for accepting food that has been digested and absorbs water from the small intestine.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

Along with the breakdown of bacteria, food and electrolytes will form food waste. When enough, the colon will contract and excrete the stool through the rectum to reach the anus and excreted.
9 common diseases in the colon
Because colonies contain food particles, the colon is home to many harmful bacteria that cause disease. There are 9 common diseases including:
Colitis is a condition in which the colon is invaded by bacteria, causing infection. Lesions may be localized at several points or spread throughout the colon lining to varying degrees. At low levels, the lining of the colon is less stable and is more likely to bleed. In severe cases, the inflammation is prone to ulceration, congestion, even small abscesses

The colon is an area often infected by bacteria and fungi
Acute colitis usually presents with small episodes.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

If not treated early, it will progress to severe chronic colitis which is very dangerous and difficult to treat. The disease can complicate into colon enlargement, septicemia, perforation of the intestine, even life-threatening colon cancer.
2. Spasm colitis
Also known as irritable bowel syndrome. This is an abnormal condition of intestinal motility, causing severe abdominal pain accompanied by very uncomfortable bowel disorder.
Spasmodic colitis is common in people who are constantly stressed, tired, overworked. Besides, not eating on time, eating in moderation can also cause disease and make the disease worse.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

Bleeding colon
As one of the dangerous colon diseases, occurs when the colon is seriously damaged. At this time, the colon is swollen and ulcerative, leading to blood vessel dilatation and bleeding in the stomach lining.
This condition is very dangerous because if it is not treated early, it will lead to massively difficult bleeding, perforation of the colon, or cancer.
4. Colon polyps
A pathology in which small cells form small masses on the lining of the colon. Typically, polyps are benign, harmless. However, if left over for a long time, this polyp mass can develop into colon cancer, harming the health and life of the patient.
In addition, if not removed early, polyps will grow larger and risk a bowel obstruction, abdominal cramping and vomiting.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

5. Pseudomembranous colitis
A pathology caused by long-term use of antibiotics that causes Clostridium difficle to thrive. This is because the bacteria can produce intestinal toxins and toxins that are toxic to cells. These toxins impact the colon lining, increase excretion and create a white pseudomembranous.
Pseudomembranous colitis should be detected and treated early, otherwise serious complications will occur. Even when successful treatment can easily relapse the patient should pay special attention.
6. Colon cancer
Colon cancer is a particularly dangerous disease in the colon.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

The disease is caused by the formation of malignant tumors. They can appear anywhere in the colon and become more widespread if left unchecked.
Colon cancer is often difficult to detect at an early stage, until it is discovered that the disease has advanced, the treatment is extremely difficult. If detected late, tumors can spread to other parts of the body. At this time the chances of patients living are very fragile.
Colon cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases of the colon
7. Twisted colon disease
This is a very dangerous pathology because the colon is twisted, not according to the structure and normal shape. If left untreated, it can cause bowel obstruction, ischemia, and even necrosis or perforation of the colon.

Collection Of 9 Most Common Colon Diseases

Patients with colonic twisted need.

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