Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

Common diseases in office workers such as musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal diseases ... are currently a concern of many people and a cause of reduced work efficiency. Let's refer to the following article to find the solution to detect and prevent these diseases most effectively!
The common disease groups in the workplace
Musculoskeletal groups: neck pain, back pain, arthralgia, neck and neck syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome

. Cause due to sitting posture, inappropriate working posture. This group of diseases was initially at low risk, but caused discomfort and reduced mobility, affecting quality of life and work. If left for long can cause more severe complications, even disabled

The groups of digestive diseases: stomach - duodenal syndrome, digestive disorders.

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

The main reasons are work pressure, stress in working environment and unreasonable eating habits in terms of time and water intake. This group of diseases, when onset, need immediate treatment, otherwise it can be severe later: peptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition ...
Unscientific work in the workplace is the cause of many illnesses
Respiratory diseases: flu, upper and lower respiratory infections. The cause is often due to an unreasonable distribution of staff density in the office (too crowded), the air in the room is polluted, the temperature difference between the air-conditioned room and the outside is too large .

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

acute, causing discomfort, should be treated early to recover the body and reduce the possibility of spreading in the work environment.
Group of chronic non-communicable diseases related to lifestyle: being overweight - obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, hypertension, dyslipidemia, stroke ... The main reason is the sedentary lifestyle (sitting in place, sedentary, moving), unreasonable diet (diet is not diversified, or has a lot of energy, a lot of fat is low in vegetables, skipped meals are compensated ...) causes imbalance in energy intake and energy.

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

amount used, resulting in stagnation of body fat causing metabolic disorders. In addition, smoking, drinking, or work pressure causes constant, long-term stress that leads to metabolic disorders. This group of diseases proceeds silently, so when complications are often associated with complications. The consequences of this group of pathologies are quite severe: heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, disability and even death!
How to overcome common diseases in office workers
To overcome and prevent common diseases in the workplace, you should refer to the following methods:
- Build a healthy working environment (within your ability), arrange a reasonable schedule, avoid to put pressure on your work.
- Building an active lifestyle in the work environment: being active on the spot or traveling (getting clothes, photo documents, printing paper, water ... in the work area, taking the stairs instead of the elevator when must go up and down several floors).

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

Limit sitting continuously for two hours; at least every two hours should take advantage of standing up, walking, limb movement 10-15 minutes. Enlist lunch time to go out for a walk ...
- Schedule regular exercise, choose a form of exercise appropriate to health conditions, time and feasibility. Maintain a workout schedule, avoid skipping exercise.
- Limit gradually and abandon harmful habits: smoking, drinking, snacking, watching movies, playing games ..

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

- Drink enough water to maintain the activity and help purify the body. Every day should drink 1.5-2 liters, depending on the weather and the level of exercise, work. Make a habit of drinking water regularly, avoid waiting until you feel thirsty or dry mouth to drink because at that time your body is already dehydrated.
- Set up a healthy, scientific diet: Choose a varied but balanced and reasonable meal with your body's energy needs. Limit fatty foods (fats): fast-food, fried foods; Increase your intake of vegetables, tubers, and fruits to boost your fiber. If lunch at the office is low on vegetables, the afternoon meal should take advantage of "complementary".

Common Diseases In Office Workers And Effective Ways To Prevent Them

Eating a lot of vegetables is very beneficial to health because in addition to the laxative effect of preventing constipation (a common disease in the office world), it also contributes to weight loss and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. Avoid putting yourself on an unreasonable diet to lose weight without consulting a dietitian because it is easy to cause deficiency of nutrients for the body such as vitamins and mineral salts.
Hopital Hospital is a reputable healthcare address of many businesses across the country
In particular, according to the advice of doctors, regular health check every 6 months is an effective way to detect as well as prevent common diseases in office workers. Currently, in order to improve the quality of human resources as well as ensure the health of employees, most companies organize annual health check-up for employees at hospitals. Hopital Hospital is one of the leading private health care addresses in the country. In particular, with the desire to accompany in the health care of employees of businesses, Hong N.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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