Common Problems When Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is an art, helping to form loving relationships. The American Academy of Pediatrics has concluded that breastfeeding helps reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea, respiratory infections, septicemia, meningitis and necrotizing enterocolitis, and Improve children's development and awareness.
During breastfeeding, the following problems are often encountered:
Milk stretch
About 2-3 days after birth often occurs milk engorgement because milk begins to produce more in the breast, the mother feels tight and heavy.
Palpation of the mammary gland feels stiff and may feel like a lump. However, the milk is still flowing well
Management encourages mothers to breastfeed their babies more frequently. You can express your breastmilk with less milk if your baby doesn't finish the feeding
Nipple soreness
Because babies suck their breast strong, suck well, feel when they suckle, have pain in the nipple, or when the breast runs out of breast milk, they will continue sucking.
Manage and massage the nipples and breastfeed normally, when the breast is gone, the breast should be transferred to the other breast.
Nipple cracked (25%)
Meet the first 2 weeks after birth, usually due to prolonged feeding, improper bra wearing. Nipple pain when breastfeeding.
Nipples have cracks, superficial cracks, sores on the nipple or foot of the nipple. The entire nipple is red, bleeding when feeding.
Handling: keep dry, open
Temporarily stop breastfeeding on the affected breast (6 - 12 hours), express by hand, continue to breastfeed the breast.
Erection of the mammary glands (15%)
This phenomenon is due to the breasts being too tight, partly because the milk is congested, partly because the edematous tissue interferes with the flow of milk.
See large breasts, edema. The mother may feel a lot of breast pain, which may be accompanied by a fever. Expressing milk shows little flow of milk.
The reason for erectile dysfunction is that the mother does not breastfeed, because the baby latches on the nipple improperly or in a weakly suckling baby, sucks a little in preterm and low birth weight babies.
Treatment: Use a warm or cool towel to cover the udder, rub the milking breast manually or with a breast pump to drain the milk.
Try to breastfeed your baby often, let him / her suckle properly, sit up, hold one baby in one hand, and hold one breast in one hand to keep the nipple closed.
Nipple fall
The nipples are pulled back in, this is due to the location of each mother. So the baby is very difficult in breastfeeding.
Management: use the hand to gently pull the nipple, need to be patient and regular. Practice breastfeeding if possible. Can express milk into a bottle to feed your baby.
Little milk
Primary (lesions of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland). Secondary after having had milk (related to tired mother, emotional, lifestyle changes).
Advise to breastfeed more, express milk after feeding to stimulate new milk production.
Rest, eat well, drink plenty of water and juice or milk.
Can use some drugs to increase the amount of milk such as Meko - Lactagil 1 tablet x 3 times daily, taking 1-2 weeks.
Mastitis is usually the result of a previous condition of the mammary gland or engorgement that has not been effectively treated. The mother felt very sore, accompanied by fever, hard edematous breast area with all symptoms of redness, heat, and pain.
Mastitis easily confused with erectile glands usually on both sides, with no signs of redness. While mastitis usually localizes one breast.
Treatment: mastitis should be treated immediately as it can become abscesses within 48 - 72 hours if not treated promptly. Cephalexin antibiotics 0.
5g 1 tablet x 3 times daily, taken continuously for 7 days or cefixime 200mg 1 capsule twice daily for 7 days.
Both types of antibiotics on milk are very few, so the mother can still breastfeed on the healthy side. During the above period, the affected breast must use a breast pump to remove it.
Combined paracetamol 0.5g 1 capsule 3 times / day, applying cool packs on inflamed breasts. The most important thing in treating mastitis is to improve the milk circulation in the affected breast.
If the mastitis progresses to an abscess, the drainage of pus is drained and high-dose antibiotics are used..
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