Common Questions When Breastfeeding

You want to feed your baby with precious breastmilk resources but also many things. To understand exactly the problems encountered when breastfeeding, let's consult Hopital Hospital for some answers.
Breast milk "returns" immediately after birth
It's correct. And in the first 2 - 4 days, even though you are tired and your baby is not well-fed, try to breastfeed your baby - this pale yellow liquid is rich in protein as well as antibodies, vitamin A and white bridge. Your baby will be disadvantaged if they do not suck this milk source!
The amount of milk is proportional to the size of the udder

. The size of the breast does not affect the amount of milk fed to the baby. Because big or small breasts are determined by adipose tissue, milk is produced by the mammary glands.
In addition, the amount of milk secreted by mothers is not the same
In the same mother, milk is not evenly distributed between the breasts or is different in the morning compared to the evening, today compared to yesterday.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

Sometimes the island mound lost "phom" because of breastfeeding
Wrong. Many women worry that breast-feeding will make their breasts worse and sag. However, that concern is completely unfounded. Because breast size changes occur during pregnancy, not while breastfeeding.
To keep the beauty of breasts during this period, you should also pay attention to the following issues: firstly, not to gain too much weight during pregnancy (only increase from 10 - 12kg); second is to massage your breasts with some olive oil or evening primrose oil to relax and soften the breasts; The third is weaning the baby slowly; 4th is when feeding, do not let your baby suck on the nipple while sleeping ..

Breast milk is best for the development of babies and children
It's correct.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

Breastmilk contains at least 60 enzymes with perfect composition of nutrients, micronutrients and polyamides that no other formula on the market has.
Moreover, in 1ml of breast milk there are about 4,000 active cells, providing a large amount of hormones and growth factors ... So, try to give your baby this precious milk source at least in 4 - 6 months after the baby is born.

Feed your baby regularly to increase milk production
It's correct. The regular feeding will increase the secretion of hormones that stimulate the active milk glands (breast-feeding is also the emotional exchange between mother and child). Therefore, you will make more milk and not be afraid of losing milk.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

However, sometimes when you are tired or stressed, the milk will decrease even though your baby is still feeding. In that case, need to rest moderately and eat well, will recover quickly.
Help lose weight fast after birth
It's correct. A lactating woman will lose weight and return to her physique faster than a bottle-feeding woman, because breastfeeding burns about 1,000 kcal a day and helps the uterus to contract quickly. However, the weight loss was not the same in nursing mothers.
Sometimes, secreted milk is not enough to "satisfy" your baby
It's correct. With many babies gluttonous, breast milk secretions sometimes do not fill them up immediately. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you need to charge more for the body.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

It is best to maintain a varied diet with a variety of foods to keep you healthy and protect your health.
In addition, mothers do not need to drink more milk during this period but just drink plenty of water. Get plenty of rest because when you are breastfeeding, you will feel very tired.
The ideal time for each feeding is 10 - 15 minutes. If this time the baby has breastfed the right breast, then the next time breastfeeds the left breast, so that the two breasts are lactating.
If you feel your baby is still hungry, feed your baby more. And a great way to tell if your baby is full is that after they have finished breastfeeding, they will go to sleep.
Breastfeeding is a method of contraception after giving birth
Not entirely so.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

After birth, if you breastfeed regularly, the probability of getting pregnant is 10%. However, exclusive breastfeeding will make your menstrual cycle restart more slowly. By experts, breastfeeding has inhibited the process of stimulating ovulation hormones.
Breastfeeding is an effective method of contraception when it meets the following conditions: you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months (do not use any kind of external food); the interval between 2 feeds is not more than 6 hours; babies do not use pacifiers.
Don't breastfeed again when you have a sore breast
Wrong. When you feel your baby is hurting you, it means that the position of the baby is attached to the nipple is not correct. Immediately, you need to change your baby's feeding position.
If the pain is severe, you can stop feeding on the sore breast, to avoid chicken neck.

Common Questions When Breastfeeding

At that time, you can express your milk by hand or use a milking tool and offer a temporary bottle for a few days. When expressing milk, you should still teat the nipple so that the milk comes down quickly and does not cause loss of milk.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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