Cosmetics Will Be Safe For Pregnant Mothers?

Most dermatologists, endocrinologists and make-up experts warn: When pregnant, due to changes in skin hormones, women become more sensitive, prone to allergies, especially Cosmetics containing strong chemicals, or aromatic essential oils are easily absorbed through the skin, through the bloodstream, affecting the fetus.
Use safe cosmetics
For the use of cosmetics to be safe for both mother and fetus, pregnant women should note a few issues below:
Simple eye makeup
Instead of a complicated eye makeup as usual, the mother should only choose black eyeliner to make the eyes accent during pregnancy. If after applying mascara, your eyes are itchy, swollen or itchy, stop immediately.
Use lip gloss
One of the best makeup tips for pregnant women is to use lip gloss on top of colored lipstick when lips are dry. This way you do not have to reapply lipstick often, because using too much cosmetics can also adversely affect the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies

Limit foundation use
During pregnancy, the skin of the pregnant mother becomes very sensitive, the skin will produce more oil, more susceptible, so the risk of skin allergies is also more likely to occur. Therefore, if you regularly use makeup during this period, the pores will be at risk of being clogged, clogged, increasing the risk of acne.
Pregnant women also need to remember to try the skin's reaction before buying any cosmetic products because the skin in this period is very allergic, and make sure that the product is safe for you and the fetus

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers should limit the use of powders such as eyeshadows, powders, eyeshadows
Use perfume that smells natural
With strong fragrances and strong smell containing many toxic chemical components.

Cosmetics Will Be Safe For Pregnant Mothers?

Therefore, it is advisable to use a fragrance that is mild, naturally fragrant.
Choose skincare cosmetics
Some products contain detrimental chemical components such as mercury and bitmuth, which are not beneficial when used during pregnancy.
Women in this period can use skin care products to conceal skin flecks are freckles. But when choosing products to whiten the skin should choose extracts from greens and fruits.
Products to avoid
Stay away from the following cosmetics if you want a safe, healthy fetus:
Acne medications, Retinols and Salicylic Acid
Products such as Accutane, Retin A, and Tetracycline (Methane) are prescription acne and acne medications that should be avoided during pregnancy. This drug contains high levels of toxins to fight acne-causing bacteria. The toxic content can cause birth defects in children

In addition, products containing Retinoid or Salicylic Acid (commonly found in anti-aging creams) raise concerns about fetal health.

Cosmetics Will Be Safe For Pregnant Mothers?

To prevent high levels of vitamin A from affecting your baby, it's best not to use these products during pregnancy. If you have acne during pregnancy, wait patiently after giving birth to treat it, and necessarily seek medical advice.
Pregnant women should limit nail polish because it contains quite a lot of chemical ingredients
Skin lightening products
Skin lightening products containing the chemical compound hydroquinone or glutathione, which exfoliate the skin. These compounds affect the activity of the enzyme that makes melanin in your body, thereby hindering the natural process to have a healthy dermis for your baby. These ingredients can make you allergic. Therefore, you should not use them during pregnancy and lactation.
Nail care products
If you are required to beautify your nails, toenails during pregnancy, make sure you paint your nails in an open space. And if possible, minimize the steps for nail polish, choose the best paint with the least chemical component.

Cosmetics Will Be Safe For Pregnant Mothers?

In fact, there is evidence of a higher rate of miscarriage among nail salon workers. Therefore, the most important thing you need to do is to keep the principle of "be careful not to worry."
Skin tanning products
Dihydroxyacetone (i.e. DHA, the main ingredient in tanning creams) is not well known, so it is not clear whether it will affect blood circulation.
In fact, there are some signs that DHA may be the reason DNA is broken. Therefore, it is best to remove tanning products from the list of things to use during pregnancy, until the scientists come to a formal conclusion.
Chemical with hair
Hair care chemicals can cause birth defects or make the fetus poisoned.

Cosmetics Will Be Safe For Pregnant Mothers?

So it's best to refrain from hair beauty that uses chemicals during pregnancy such as straightening, bending, even dyeing your hair you need to be very careful, choose a safe hair dye product and follow the rules submit.
The product contains Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is an "enemy" to health, increasing the risk of birth defects. This acid content often appears in some cleaners or body lotions, so you should be careful with products containing this ingredient. However, if the content is very small, it is still possible.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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