Deal With Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

This condition is the third most common form of sleep disturbance, after speechlessness and snoring.
Research shows that people who suffer from grinding of their teeth when sleeping are more likely to stop breathing when sleeping than snoring people.
Estimates show that grinding teeth when sleeping makes up about 10-20% of the general population.
Signs and symptoms
Clenching your teeth clenched tightly or very strongly during sleep or when waking during times of anxiety or stress.
The chewing surface of teeth is worn, flat or chipped
The enamel on the teeth is worn out, revealing the dentin inside
The sensitivity of teeth increases
Squeeze your jaw or contract muscle
Jaw pain or spasms of the jaw muscles
Jaw chuck, clack, or hard jaw
Ear pain, because of the strong jaw muscle contraction, not the ear
A dull headache in the morning
Chronic facial pain
The danger elements
Stress: Increased anxiety or stress can lead to teeth grinding

Age: Grinding teeth grinding when sleeping is common from the age of 10 until the age of 40, and tends to decrease with age.
Drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes: Stimulants like caffeine or tobacco can make the body produce more adrenaline, making teeth grinding worse.
When to visit
Clenched teeth when sleeping is often overlooked
See a doctor or dentist if you have pain in your jaw, face or ears, if your teeth show a dislocation, or if you have difficulty biting or chewing.

Deal With Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

Also consult your doctor or dentist if your partner complains about grinding your teeth while you sleep.
The goal of treatment is to prevent permanent damage to the teeth and to alleviate pain caused by grinding. Treatment for bruxism is different depending on the cause:
Stress: Your doctor may recommend that you consult a specialist, psychotherapist, physiotherapist or stress management skills. Your doctor may also prescribe a muscle relaxant to temporarily relieve tightness in the tightened jaw.
Dental problems: If grinding is caused by dental problems, your dentist may need to straighten your teeth out of alignment. A mouth or teeth protective device can be helpful if the grinding of your teeth while sleeping is severe enough to cause serious damage to your teeth.
Brain injury or neuromuscular disease: Clenched teeth when sleeping due to brain damage or neuromuscular disease can be very difficult to treat
Your doctor may suggest you use mouth guards.

Deal With Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

Medication: If you suffer from bruxism due to the side effects of an antidepressant medication, your doctor may change the medication or prescribe another medication to neutralize the grinding. Studies show that gabapentin (Neurontin) can successfully treat sleepless teeth grinding due to antidepressant treatment.
The following steps can reduce teeth grinding while sleeping:
Practice proper mouth and jaw posture: Placing your tongue curled up with your teeth apart and your lips tightly closed can reduce the inconvenience by keeping your teeth from rubbing or jawing against each other.
Regular dental examinations: Dental examinations are the best way to screen for sleep bruxism, especially if you live alone or do not sleep with your partner so that you can detect bruxism when you sleep at night. Dentists can best detect the signs of mouth and jaw of teeth grinding when sleeping by regular examination.
Reduce stress: Keep the stresses of your life to a minimum that can reduce the risk of teeth grinding while sleeping. The less anxious and stressed you are, the better your chance of avoiding grinding teeth when you sleep.
Notify you to sleep with you: If you have a roommate or bed, ask them to see if you can see any clenching or jamming sounds that you can make while sleeping.

Deal With Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

(According to Eva).

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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