Differentiate Benign Tumors – Melanomas And Their Treatment

Up to 80% of people who see a tumor appear in the body will fear and think it is a warning of cancer. However, tumors are usually benign and malignant, so be sure to check for the "identity" of the tumor as soon as they appear.
Differentiate benign tumors - melanomas
Many people often associate tumors with cancer. However, the tumor refers to a mass of proliferating tissue that can be benign or malignant. They can appear anywhere on the body, from the most recognizable place such as the skin to the hard-to-recognize places with the naked eye, such as the brain or abdomen

Benign and malignant tumors
Benign tumors and benign tumors have similarities in the formation process but there are certain differences as follows:
Differences Benign tumors Melanoma
Benign U shape is soft to touch, can move, edged around the edge evenly
Malignant tumors are usually hard, have irregularly fringed edges and are usually fixed to the skin.

Differentiate Benign Tumors - Melanomas And Their Treatment

Growth Grows slower than melanoma Growths faster than benign tumors
Metastasis The benign tumor only grows at the original place of departure, not able to invade nearby organs. Malignant tumors are high-risk, invading surrounding tissues and spreading to nearby parts.
Recurrent benign tumors that are easy to eliminate and less likely to recur High risk of recurrence and recurrence in different areas
Effects on the body The tumor does not affect much health because it has little or no harm to the body Malignant tumors make patients tired, lose weight quickly. This is a sign of near cancer.
Some common tumors: Thyroid tumors, breast tumors, liver tumors, lung tumors, fat tumors, meningiomas ..
Malignant tumors can be anywhere in the body such as intestines, lungs, chest areas, reproductive organs, blood.

Differentiate Benign Tumors - Melanomas And Their Treatment

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How to treat benign - malignant tumors
With melanoma
After screening and detecting malignant tumors, the patient will be prescribed a treatment regimen suitable to the stage of the disease, the extent of tumor growth. There are many methods used to treat melanoma, such as palliative care, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.
The complete removal of the tumor without damaging the rest of the body is the goal of treatment. Surgical methods still have limited effectiveness because the tumor has the ability to invade nearby tissues at the microscopic level. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is limited by the toxicity to other healthy tissues and the radiation treatment also damages healthy tissue.

Differentiate Benign Tumors - Melanomas And Their Treatment

Therefore, depending on the tumor situation, the doctor will assign appropriate, starting from simple to complex methods.
Treatment chart for malignancies varies depending on the condition
With benign tumors
Not all benign tumors require treatment, because if it is small and does not interfere, the doctor recommends watching. As long as the tumor is painless, uncomfortable and does not grow, you can live with a benign tumor for the rest of your life. If the doctor decides to treat it, it will usually be laparoscopic surgery, radiation therapy ... however these methods require patients to take a long time to recover and have a certain degree of invasion.
Nowadays, a completely new and effective method to remove benign tumors quickly and effectively with less invasive treatment is to burn them with Microwave TATO.

Differentiate Benign Tumors - Melanomas And Their Treatment

This modern technology can eliminate benign tumors such as thyroid, breast, and liver tumors .... without anesthesia, no hospitalization and no scars.
Incineration with TATO uses a thermal burning method - the method of permanent destruction of target tissue by centralized heating in an area without causing superficial skin burns. Hopital Hospital is the first facility in the North to own this modern technology.
In particular, from June 5, 2019, Hopital General Hospital immediately reduced 12.

Differentiate Benign Tumors - Melanomas And Their Treatment

6 million / 1 surgery to remove tumors by TATO machine..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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