Do Not Subjective Viral Fever In Children
Viral fever is a common disease in children, the disease is easily spread through the respiratory tract with the typical symptom that the child suddenly has a high fever of 39 - 40oC, along with a few other symptoms such as rash, cough, runny nose ...
Symptoms of children with viral fever
When children have a fever, children will have some symptoms such as:
High fever: This is the most common manifestation of viral fever. His body temperature usually ranges from 38 - 39 degrees C, even up to 40 - 41 degrees C
Painful body aches: in older children, sore muscles, children often complain of pain all over their body, young children can fuss and cry; headache: some children may have a headache but remain alert, not irritable, struggling.
Inflammation of the respiratory tract: The symptoms of respiratory tract inflammation such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, throat may become red
Gastrointestinal disorders: Fever of gastrointestinal virus causes digestive disorders. This symptom usually appears early, can also appear a few days later, characterized by loose stools, mucus, and no blood.
High fever is the most typical and obvious manifestation of viral fever in children
Lymphadenitis: The most common are lymph nodes in the head and neck. These nodes are usually swollen, painful and may be visible or palpable.
Rash: Usually appears 2-3 days after fever, rash appears to reduce fever.
Ocular conjunctivitis: When a fever develops, the child's conjunctiva may become red, irritated and watery
Vomiting: Children may vomit many times and vomiting often occurs after eating.
Evolution of viral fever
Children's bodies do not have high resistance so they are easily infected, during summer days, many children are hospitalized due to fever.
Under normal conditions, there are also parasitic viruses in the respiratory tract, digestive tract ... when having favorable conditions, they develop, invade the body and cause disease.
These viruses can be easily transmitted from person to person. Especially viral infections through the respiratory tract, digestive ..
. can cause very dangerous epidemic.
One of the most obvious symptoms of a viral infection is a high fever. The medical term is often called viral fever. The above symptoms usually appear very loudly, after 3-5 days will gradually decrease and disappear, the child returns to health.
Management and prevention of viral fever in children
Viral illnesses have almost no specific treatment, mainly symptomatic treatment, and so do children with viral fever. Therefore the usual measures are:
When a child has a fever, parents should reduce fever immediately
Thermocouple: Place the thermometer in the armpit or anus. The thermometer should be held in the armpit for at least 3 minutes for accurate results.
The child's actual temperature will be the number on the thermometer plus 0.3 - 0.4 degrees.
Antipyretic: Parents can reduce fever for children in many ways such as taking medicine, cool compresses with a cool towel, wipe off sweat, wear thin clothes, so that children are in a cool place.
When children have a high fever, they should undress and remove blankets for the child. Wipe with a wet towel soaked in warm water. Parents absolutely do not apply cold water because not only does not reduce fever but will cause higher fever due to peripheral vasoconstrictor mechanism.
Anticonvulsant: If your child has a fever higher than 38.
5oC, use antipyretics along with anti-convulsants as prescribed by your doctor, especially those with a history of seizures when high fever.
Rehydration and electrolytes for babies: If the baby is still breastfed, continue to breastfeed more than usual, and give rehydration as directed by your doctor.
In case children do not drink, use clean cotton dots to put water on the lips, baby mouth constantly to the lip mucosa, mouth absorbs water, avoiding lack of water and electrolytes.
Anti-superinfection: When children have a fever, need to clean children, eye, nose with 0.9% natriclorid to avoid respiratory bacterial superinfection.
Nutrition: Need to pay attention to the diet, children should be diluted as porridge, soup, drink plenty of water, water, fruit juice like oranges, lemons ...
Children must be taken to the health center right away when there are the following signs: When a child has a fever higher than 38.5oC, especially above 39oC, the antipyretic drugs do not respond. Bamboo shows signs of drowsiness, excessive sleep, headache, seizures, nausea, and fever that last more than 5 days.
Viral fever is a contagious disease, so people with viral fever should limit contact with others, especially children, to avoid infection. When children have a fever, they should keep them from school until they are completely recovered to avoid spreading the infection to other children, keeping them separate from children and keeping them warm. People around should prevent the disease by dripping salt water, eating lots of fruits rich in vitamin C to enhance the body's resistance.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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