Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

Plum is a herb with many uses. It is often used to treat rheumatism, aches, pains, dysentery ...
Characteristics of plum hairs
Plum apricot or apricot has two types: Purple apricot leaf (underside of purple leaf) and green apricot leaf; Scientific names are Paederia tomentosa and Paederia foetida

Called apricot strings because both sides of the leaves are very hairy, very smooth. The tree has a very pungent essential oil, smells of carbon bisunfide, has two paderin alkaloids and one soluble in ether crystallized in the form of needles, an amorphous substance, slightly soluble in amyl alcohol, chlorofoc and benzene.
The use of plum hair in oriental medicine
According to traditional pharmacology, plum has:
Bitter taste, coolness;
Has the effect of clearing heat, antiseptic, except for active blood, only detoxification, true stagnation, except low emphysema

Often used to treat rheumatism, aches and pains, abdominal pain, dysentery, edema, bloating, indigestion, malnourished children (orange juice, liver, swollen spleen, poison, escaping from Giang) rectum), boils on the back, white zone, damage caused by dislocations .

Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

According to folk experience, apricot leaves have the effect of clearing heat, antiseptic and treating digestive diseases very well.
Dosage of 20 - 30g / day, can use up to 50g is still safe. If you eat less, with a character like herbs, apricot leaves clear heat and anti-allergy.
Hot dog meat, clear apricot leaves. Dog meat is a strange protein that can cause allergies, apricot leaves fight allergies
Thus, dog meat with apricot leaves is a good combination of pharmacology that the ancients used to make.

Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

Apricot cord is a popular folk healing herb
Some remedies for stomach aches from apricot leaves
Dysentery caused by amoeba: 30g finely chopped apricot leaves, mixed with chicken egg yolk. Wrap in banana leaves and bake. Eat 2 times a day, continuously for 5 - 8 days. After that, a stool test will be done if you have an additional amoeba egg.
Treatment of dysentery onset: when dysentery, the patient has frequent bowel movements, feces mixed with blood and mucus. If with sauce, take a handful of finely chopped apricot leaves, break a chicken egg, mix well. Wrap this mixture with banana leaves, bring to grilled. Eat three times a day, several days in a row will recover.

Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

Treatment of dysentery caused by accumulation of colon: apricot leaves 20g, alum black leaves 20g, washed, flushed with boiling water to drain, crushed, squeezed juice to drink 2-3 times.
Treat bloating, indigestion: take a handful of fresh apricot leaves, rinse, eat with rice as vegetables or smash for drinking water. Eat, drink immediately in 2-3 days will have results.
Treating diarrhea caused by heat: when suffering from thermal diarrhea with manifestations of stool, yellow urine, cramping abdominal pain, flatulence, excessive thirst, burning anus, using 16g of apricot leaves, 8g of sharp sim buds with 500ml 200ml water. Split orally twice a day.
Treating stomachache: take 20 - 30g apricot leaves to wash, smash into water once a day. Perseverance taking will have a very good cure for stomach pain.
Treatment of erratic bowel movements, loose diarrhea: finely chopped apricot leaves (30g), mixed with an egg, add a few salt grains, beat well, spread thinly on banana leaves, wrap and then add leaves bananas, put on pan, roast or bake until cooked, until the bottom leaves are scorched into leaf wrapping, lined with more leaves, turning top to bottom like casting egg rolls to cook (eat without using fat).

Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

Eat 2 times a day, in 3 days is out.
Treatment of pinworms and roundworms: crushed apricot leaves, put some salt to eat or squeeze drinking water, drink immediately in the morning when hungry.
Treatment of pinworms: apricot leaf 30g, prepared into 50ml of cooked water, squeezed juice pumped back into the anus, keep about 20 minutes at 19-20 hours, before going to bed, the worms will crawl out.
Treatment of young children with citrus lesions (malnutrition): Using dried apricot roots 15 - 20g, pig stomach 1 finely chopped. Cook with 1 liter of water to 2 cups, remove the residue, take water, divide into 2 drinks.
Treatment of urinary retention: if kidney stones lead to urinary retention, take apricot leaves to drink 2-3 times a day.
Treatment of rheumatism (arthralgia, always feeling heavy, uneasy): roots or strings of apricot hairs 30-50g, decoction mixed with a little alcohol, drink while the medicine is still warm.
Or take both leaves and strings, cut small, about 1-2cm each segment, gold stars.

Dreams Cure Abdominal Pain, Dysentery

Each time use 50g, excellent with 200ml, also 100ml, divided equally, drink 3 times a day, continuously 10 - 15 days.
Both leaves and stems, finely chopped, dried, yellow stars, soaked in alcohol (over 40 degrees) shake every day, after 5 days is usable. Rub in painful areas..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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