Eat And Drink To … Be Healthy!

A healthy diet plays an important role in human health and longevity. So, how is the diet called healthy?
Limit fat
Many of the most popular foods are those high in fat and carbohydrates. If the body is excess fat and cholesterol, we are prone to obesity and cardiovascular diseases. To replace high-fat dishes such as vegetable and animal fats, butter, animal meat, ice cream .

.. we should use more cereals, bread.

Should limit to eat baked or fried dishes, instead of boiled dishes, security, stew

In general, try to reduce your fat intake to no more than 30% of your total daily calorie intake.

Eat And Drink To ... Be Healthy!

Reduce sugar
Sugar is sweet but one of the biggest health enemies
People who eat a lot of sugar, in addition to being obese, are also prone to diabetes.
Although sugar is not conducive to health, it does not mean that we completely eliminate sweetness from the body, especially for those of average weight. We can replace sugar with naturally sweet fruits, honey, or sugar from palm trees.
Indispensable protein
Protein is essential for a healthy living body, it provides us with energy and vitality. According to studies, in a scientific diet, the amount of protein must account for 50% of the total body energy needs.

Foods high in protein are: beans, peanuts, mushrooms, cheese made from skimmed milk. In addition, sometimes we should add meat, fish, seafood in moderate quantities.

Eat And Drink To ... Be Healthy!

Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits
Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber - substances that are good for health. A diet rich in green vegetables and fruits also anti-aging, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer ... Eat more than 3 meals a day: we have a habit of eating 3 meals a day, of which breakfast is Meals and dinners eat as little as possible.
Recently, however, scientists have advised that, in addition to the three main meals, we should have at least 2 snacks between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. To increase the meal without increasing the calories, we should reduce the portion of the 3 main meals. Eat snacks, fruits and vegetables, skimmed milk and some cereal.

Eat And Drink To ... Be Healthy!

Drink a lot of water
Drinking plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters / day) is one of the measures to prevent some incurable diseases such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases ... that is because water is a major component of the cartilage layer and the substance. synovial fluid, when these parts are provided with enough water, direct impact will be reduced, thereby reducing the risk of arthritis.
Regularly drinking enough water to make the excretory system work regularly, is also the regular elimination of toxins in the body, can prevent the long-term deposition of toxins that cause bowel cancer. link, bladder.

Eat And Drink To ... Be Healthy!

Chewing thoroughly: chewing thoroughly helps you eliminate the risk of digestive diseases like stomach pain and indigestion. Besides, pay attention to the eating posture. Sit up straight while eating because in that position, the body will digest the best way..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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