Eating Fish Is Good For Health

Fish is a nutritious food and cure many diseases. Fish has a valuable protein source with all necessary amino acids, of which the content of lysin, tirozin, tryptophan, systin, methionine is higher than meat. The protein of fresh fish is easier to digest and easier to absorb than meat. Low-fat and omega-3-rich foods. 3

. Everyone knows that eating a lot of high-fat foods like animal fat is not healthy.
Fish contain very little fat of this type, and high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are particularly necessary for human brain development, play an important role in the transmission. signal between cells
The main ingredient in omega - 3 is DHA which is also an important component that promotes the formation of gray matter in the brain and helps young children develop intelligence.

Eating Fish Is Good For Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and other seafood, such as shrimp and shellfish.
Animal meats like pigs and cows contain a lot of protein, but if you eat a lot, it is not good for your health, which can cause protein overweight, obesity, diabetes ... On the contrary, you can eat fish comfortably without worrying about it. Fish protein is easily absorbed, good for the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
In fish also contains a lot of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, D, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iodine

Eating Fish Is Good For Health

. Especially calcium contained in some fish such as salmon also contributes to strong bones.
Fish oil is good for the development of young children DHA in fish oil is the cause of this beneficial effect. DHA helps newborn babies develop intelligence and vision, and complete brain function development. Pregnant women absorb more omega - 3 acids in marine fish will give birth to healthier, much smarter children than usual. That is the result of research that scientists from many countries around the world have proved.
Eating a lot of fish helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease According to research results of Harvard University - USA, eating fish regularly weekly will help provide the amount of omega - 3 needed to prevent the risk of contracting. heart disease.

Eating Fish Is Good For Health

In addition, omega-3 helps reduce blood triglyceride levels and reduces blood clots that can lead to blood vessel blockages, so fish is a very good food, especially for the elderly and young children.
Because the EPA found in unsaturated fatty acids (many found in bluefin strains) can prevent atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. DHA is also present in the unsaturated fatty acids of fish and plays an important role in the growth of brain cells and the nervous system. Without this substance, people will lose their memory and their intelligence.
Children need DHA to develop brain cells. Elderly people need DHA to slow down the aging of the brain, avoid confusion in old age. In fish, DHA concentration is more concentrated in the fish's head. Therefore, you should not fry fish, especially at high temperatures, which will cause the breakdown of DHA, but eat boiled or cooked fish to take advantage of the DHA content in fish heads.

Eating Fish Is Good For Health


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