Effective Cough Remedy For Children

The respiratory system of young children is not yet complete, the resistance of the babies is weak, therefore, they are very susceptible to respiratory diseases such as dry cough, productive cough, whooping cough. Choosing for an effective treatment that is suitable for the baby's condition, without harming the health, is the desire of all parents.
Cough for children with Oriental medicine
Using medicines to treat children's coughs, especially antibiotics often cause babies to have digestive disorders and many other side effects. Faced with such concerns, many mothers seek natural remedies to cough for their children. Mothers can refer to some of the following folk tips for their children

Remedy for cough for children with ginger
Thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, ginger is present in many remedies for respiratory illnesses such as prolonged dry cough, productive cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Put 1/2 tsp of ginger juice in a glass of warm milk for your baby to drink. In addition, moms can let children drink honey ginger tea or cook ginger water to bathe and soak their feet in the evening to help children keep warm body, reduce cough at night

Remedy for cough for children with garlic
In garlic has many active ingredients anti-inflammatory, very good antibacterial, suitable for cough due to bacterial infection.

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

Besides, according to Oriental medicine, garlic has a spicy taste, warmth, is a remedy for reducing dry cough, cough with phlegm at home very effectively. In addition, in garlic also a number of active nutrients such as Allicin, Diallyl Sulfide, ... support improving the body's resistance.
Method 1: Peel off 4-5 cloves of fresh garlic and crush it. Boil water with 1-2 tablets rock sugar for about 15 minutes
Get used juice 2-3 times / day
Method 2: Crush 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic, cut some strands of fresh ginger.

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

Add 1-2 tablespoons brown sugar, boil the mixture with a little water. Allow to cool and then squeeze juice to use 2-3 times / day
Method 3: Wash, peel 1 fresh garlic, 1 purple onion. Soak in jars with pure honey for at least 12 hours. Store in a dry, gradual area, using half a teaspoon of warm water. Do not give this medicine to children under 1 year of age.
In garlic has many active ingredients anti-inflammatory, very good antibacterial, suitable for cough due to bacterial infection
Cough medicine for children with fresh turmeric
According to many studies, fresh turmeric has many components such as curcumin, carbide terpenic, essential oil, ...

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

antibacterial, antioxidant, good anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, home cough treatment with turmeric powder has long been trusted, especially in cases of dry cough, persistent cough for a long time.
Method 1: Shave the shell, smash 1 fresh turmeric. Add to the bowl with 1-2 capsules of rock sugar, a little water. Boil the water mixture for 15-20 minutes. Use regularly 2-3 times / day
Method 2: Mix 1 spoon of turmeric powder with 1 cup of hot milk. Drinking every day helps patients reduce the symptoms of sore throat very effectively
Cough remedy for children with onions, onions, garlic, ginger and rock sugar
This home remedy for coughs is a combination of ingredients, all of which help treat coughs. Processing is also simple and easy to use for cases of persistent cough, long-lasting cough does not go away.

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

Prepare 1 onion, 1-2 purple onions. Wash the onions and onions, cut into small pieces to taste
Wash 1 fresh ginger, shredded or sliced into thin slices
Prepare 1 fresh garlic, peeled, crushed and chopped
Put all the ingredients in a clean jar, add rock sugar, mix well
Soak for 4-5 hours to use
Use 2-3 times / day, 1-2 tablespoons each time
Note: Store the mixture in a cool place, can be for 6 months - 1 year
Cough medicine for children with chicken eggs
Chicken eggs are not only a nutritious food but also considered a good home remedy for cough. How to treat cough at home with chicken eggs is often applied to those who are difficult to take medicine such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, ...
Method 1: Add 2 -3 spoons of honey to water, bring to a boil. Beat 1-2 chicken eggs, wait for the boiling honey water, add eggs, stir. Use when the dish is still warm, limiting the fishy taste of eggs when cooled
Method 2: Prepare 7 fleets (processed scales of juniper), 1 egg.

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

Soak overnight, decoction with 2 bowls of water until you have about 1 cup of water left. Add egg yolks, stir well until cooked. Divide evenly to eat 2 times a day. This medicine is suitable for pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Chicken eggs are not only a nutritious food but also considered a good home remedy for cough
Cough medicine for children with salt
Salt has the effect of killing pathogenic bacteria in the airways. This salt-based cough remedy can be applied in all cases, especially dry cough, productive cough.
Method 1: Gargle with salt water daily. Commercially available saline may be used or granulated salts can be dissolved with warm water.

Effective Cough Remedy For Children

Cleaning your nose and throat every day with salt water helps limit common respiratory illnesses
Method 2: Prepare 1-2 slices of fresh lemon, a pinch of salt. Add a pinch of salt on the lemon slices, directly put lemon salt slices in the throat for about 15 minutes to help reduce t.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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