Emergency Contraception, Things To Know

Using emergency contraception can prevent up to 95% of pregnancies when done properly after sex.
What is emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception refers to methods of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. They are recommended for use within 5 days but the sooner they are used after sexual intercourse, the more effective.
How does emergency contraception prevent pregnancy?
Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy by preventing or delaying ovulation and they do not cause miscarriage.
Copper intrauterine devices prevent fertilization by causing chemical changes in sperm and eggs before they meet

Emergency contraception does not disrupt established pregnancy or harm the developing embryo.
Subjects may use emergency contraception
Any woman of childbearing age can use emergency contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
There are no absolute medical contraindications to the use of emergency contraception

There is no age limit for using emergency contraception.

Emergency Contraception, Things To Know

However, people with special medical conditions should consult with their obstetrician before using any emergency contraception and contraception.
When to use emergency contraception
Intensive contraception can be used in the following situations:
Having sex without contraception;
Being sexually assaulted in the absence of contraception.
Improper use of contraception or concerns about possible pregnancy; such as: condoms are torn, slipped; incorrect calculation of the safe menstrual cycle for intercourse; contraception; miss or late take daily birth control pills like:
- 3 hours later than the proestogen-only time (minipill), or more than 27 hours after the previous dose;
- 12 hours late than the time of taking conventional desogestrel pills (0.75 mg) or more than 36 hours after taking the previous medication;
- More than 2 weeks late for the injectable proestogen norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN);
- More than 4 weeks late for drugs that contain only proestogen-depro-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA);
- More than 7 days late for combined injection contraception (CIC);
Methods of emergency contraception
There are two methods of emergency contraception:
Methods for insertion of emergency IUDs with copper intrauterine device (IUD);
Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) come in three forms:
Emergency contraceptive pills contain UPA
Emergency contraceptive pills contain LNG
Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
Copper IUDs are the most effective form of emergency contraception available.
Emergency contraceptive regimens recommended by WHO are ulipristal acetate, levonorgestrel or combined oral contraceptives (COCs) including ethinyl estradiol plus levonorgestrel.
Emergency contraceptive pills of 1 tablet and 2 pills
Copper contraception emergency
Emergency contraceptives (ECPs) and combined oral contraceptives (COC)
Instructions for use of emergency contraception
Emergency contraceptive pills with UPA single dose 30 mg;
Emergency contraception pills with LNG are taken 1 dose of 1.5 mg orally orally in 2 doses of 0
75 mg each, 12 hours apart;
COCs are given in divided doses: a dose of 100 μg ethinyl estradiol plus 0.

Emergency Contraception, Things To Know

5 mg LNG. This is followed by a second dose of 100 μg ethinyl estradiol plus 0.5 mg LNG 12 hours later.
Effective oral contraceptive
A meta-analysis shows:
Women who use emergency contraception with UPA have a pregnancy rate of 1.2%;
Using emergency contraception with LNG has a pregnancy rate of 1.2% to 2.1%.
In addition, the effectiveness of oral contraceptives depends on the time taken after intercourse.

Emergency Contraception, Things To Know

Emergency contraception is available 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 120 hours. The sooner you take it, the higher the contraceptive effect:
Take the pill for 24 hours, the contraceptive effect can reach 95%;
Taking medication within 24 - 48 hours, the contraceptive effect can reach 85%;
Taking medication for 48 - 72 hours, the contraceptive effect is only about 58%;
The time to use birth control pills
Ideally, emergency contraception or combination contraception should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse and for a maximum of 120 hours.
Emergency contraceptive pills with UPA are more effective between 72 hours and 120 hours after unprotected intercourse than other emergency contraceptive pills.
Side effects of emergency contraception
The side effects of emergency contraceptives are similar to those of daily oral contraceptives. Such as:
Nausea and vomiting;
Menopause, irregular menstruation;
Side effects are usually uncommon, mild and go away on their own without additional medicine. Besides:
Emergency contraceptive pills are not harmful to future fertility;
No obstruction, no adverse effects on fertility after emergency contraceptive use in intercourse.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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