Exercise Habits
How much exercise is enough?
Need to see your doctor for exercise advice how to suit you. A good goal for many people is to exercise 5 times a week and for an average of 30 to 60 minutes each time. Remember that exercising has a lot of health benefits, so exercising in a small amount is better than not exercising.
How to get alternating exercise into your daily routine:
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Take a walk during breaks or lunch
Walk all or part of the commute.
Doing housework at a fast pace
Sweep the garden.
See also why should exercise
How to start exercising?
Start by seeing a doctor for advice
Start slowly, if you haven't exercised for years, you can't run a marathon after 2 weeks of training. Start with light exercise or brisk walking for 10 minutes a day and then increase with time.
See also how to start exercising?
How to maintain exercise?
Here are some tips to help you get started and maintain your exercise program:
Choose a type of exercise that interests you and makes sure it is right for your health. For example, for people with arthritis, swimming is easier than other subjects.
Find yourself a companion. Exercising with a friend or relative can make it more interesting.
Change your routine
You can change activities like walking, cycling, dancing, tennis and even housework like vacuuming or mowing the lawn.
Choose a time when you're comfortable during the day. Do not exercise right after eating or when it is very hot or cold outside. You can exercise at night if your body has difficulty moving in the morning.
Don't be discouraged, as sometimes it takes weeks or months for you to notice some changes from exercise, such as weight loss.
Do not think you will suffer. Muscle aches are normal when you're just exercising, but pain is another story. Take a break if you are injured.
Create fun while exercising. For example, you can read, listen to music or watch TV while exercising with a bike. You can also find fun things to do, like walking through the zoo, going to the dance, playing a sport you like, such as tennis.
Create an exercise routine
Set a regular time for each day.
Sign a contract committed to yourself for exercise.
Book "exercise appointments" on your calendar.
Keep a daily journal or diary of your exercise activities.
Check your progress.
Can you walk faster than when you start exercising? Or is your heart rate now slower than before?
Ask your doctor to plan your exercise program, such as what type of exercise should be done, how many sessions a week and for how long.
Think about joining a sports club. Paying a fee can also be an incentive to keep up the exercise.
How to prevent injuries?
Always warm up before starting your workout. This will make muscles and joints more flexible. Take 5-10 minutes to do some calisthenics and stretching exercises, and take a brisk walk. Do the same thing at the end of the workout until your heart rate returns to normal.
Listen to your body.
Stop exercising if you feel very short of breath, dizzy, fainting, nausea or pain.
Benefits of regular exercise
Reduces risk of heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity.
Help keep joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, and make movement easy.
Reduces some of the effects of aging, especially arthritis.
Keep your spirits up and help with depression.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Increases health and endurance.
Helps sleep better.
Helps maintain a consistent weight by increasing metabolism (meaning increasing calorie burning rate).
What is the target heart rate?
Measuring your heart rate (beats per minute) can tell you how your heart is working. You can check your heart rate by counting the beat within 15 seconds and multiplying it by 4.
The chart below shows the target heart rate for different ages. When you first start an exercise program, you can use a low target heart rate (60%). When your fitness improves, you can do more to get your heart rate up during exercise closer to the high number (85%).
See also the article Target heart rate when exercising, losing weight and protecting health
What is aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise is a type of exercise that uses large muscle groups, causing you to breathe deeper and your heart works harder to pump blood. It is also known as cardiovascular exercise.
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