
In everyday life, sometimes we have flatulence, indigestion after meals. The study of flatulence will help us know how to treat and prevent flatulence.
Why is flatulence?
Flatulence is usually a functional disease, meaning it is not caused by physical damage such as peptic ulcer, tumor or intestinal obstruction.
Flatulence is caused by a buildup of gas in the stomach. Flatulence occurs when eating a diet high in starch, foods high in sorbitol, a habit of chewing gum, lactase enzyme deficiency, pancreatic insufficiency

Symptomatic manifestations: belching several times, the volume out increases. Unpleasant sensations when belching and burning in the throat. More severe can cause abdominal pain, angina, which is prominent after eating
Slight accumulation in the abdomen can cause bloating, while having a bowel movement or defecation.


See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening
Treatment and prevention
The treatment of flatulence, need to eliminate the physical pathology. Addressing the cause of flatulence, do not drink milk and dairy products if the patient's body is lactose intolerant.
Break the habit of chewing gum, carbonated soft drinks, avoiding eating more starchy foods, so eat slowly chewing carefully. Relaxed spirit, avoid stress, can use tranquilizing herbs such as rotunda, take 1 pill before bedtime, magnesium B6 drink twice a day, 1 pill each time.
Can use anti-colic, anti-acid, anti-acid secretions: used when suffering from flatulence due to excess gastric acid such as phosphalugel or pepsan, taking 2-3 times a day, 1 pack per time. These drugs both neutralize acid and fight flatulence.
In addition, H2 receptor antagonists (ranitidine), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazol, lansoprazol) can be used

If you have indigestion, accompanied by heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, you should use drugs containing an additional component of alginate (gasvicon).


Also use digestive aid (digestive enzymes) to help digest food in the stomach more easily such as neopeptin, alipase, festal ..., may be used to support secretion of bile (chophytol).
Flatulence is an increase in gas in the digestive tract due to many causes, besides due to a high carbohydrate diet, lactose intolerance, carbonated drinks, habit or swallowing gas due to chewing gum.
A common cause is stress, insomnia, anxiety that stimulates the sympathetic and vagus nervous system, which leads to an imbalance in protecting the lining of the stomach and intestines, leading to an increase in HCL acid thus causes increased flatulence.
This also causes germs to cause peptic ulcer later. In order to overcome the above factors, we need to have a working regime and a moderate rest, combined with regular physical exercise and sport.



. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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