Fungal Scalp Disease – Causes, Manifestations And Treatments

Scalp fungus (or impetigo) not only causes itching but can spread to other parts of the body so it needs to be treated early to protect the health of the sick.
Two common types of mushrooms
There are many types of oily fungi, including two common ones:
Scalp fungus is caused by Trichophyton
The disease begins with small nodules, scattered on the scalp. The lesion has thin scales, healthy hair interspersed with hair close to the root (due to fungal hair becomes hard and brittle).
Scales after scaling off the scalp may form a temporary bald patch. This disease causes itching, patients can get tinea in other areas (groin, buttocks, nails)

Tinea causes itching, discomfort, and discomfort
Trachoma (egg hair)
This fungal disease is caused by the fungi Pierdraiahortai and Trichosporon beigeli. The characteristic image is that along the hairline, from 2-3 cm from the hair root, there are soft round beads (almost equal to millet), black or brown and can be pulled out like an egg.
It does not cause hair loss because the mycelium grows only in the hair shaft, which may cause discomfort or itching
The disease usually arises due to poor personal hygiene conditions: skin fungus in other places, sweat wetting the hair creates a humid environment regularly.

Fungal Scalp Disease - Causes, Manifestations And Treatments

Object and source of infection
Due to the high intensity of labor, high sweating, concentrated accommodation, sometimes in concentrated areas such as garrison, students ... low personal hygiene, soldiers and students need knowledge of fungal skin diseases in general as well as scalp fungi in particular to actively prevent and combat diseases effectively.
The main source of disease is humans, in addition to possible from certain types of animals such as dogs and cats. Fungi can persist for a long, persistent period in an infected item. The disease is spread directly from the skin and through the skin, but the common way is indirectly by sharing combs, hats, pillows

Fungal Scalp Disease - Causes, Manifestations And Treatments

. with patients.
To make a diagnosis, in addition to relying on clinical symptoms, tests should be performed: a specimen examination of the scalp or scalp. Cultured in jelly agar to diagnose and identify the fungus and appropriate treatment regimen.
When suffering from scalp fungus, patients should limit scratching
Treatment of scalp fungal diseases
For mild cases, wash your hair daily to eliminate hair loss, use selenium Sulfide shampoo or Nizoral shampoo works well.
If heavier, after shampooing, cover the towel with all the hair (note that when shampooing is not scratched, scratching and scratching the skin on the spot, creating conditions for bacterial infections).
Or cut off the hair of the scalp with fungus, apply fungicides and flaky horns on the spot daily. If multiple bacterial infection lesions, apply antiseptic topical, can use systemic antibiotics combined.

Fungal Scalp Disease - Causes, Manifestations And Treatments

Take the antifungal antibiotic Griseofulvin (brand name Gricin) for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Prevention of scalp fungal diseases
- Investigate to detect infected people, send specialized treatment. Attention should also be paid to the detection of sick cattle.
- Treat early and thoroughly other skin fungal diseases on the body.
- Do not share combs, pillows, hats, wash basins, etc. with sick people.
- Pay attention to keep hair dry and clean..

Fungal Scalp Disease - Causes, Manifestations And Treatments

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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