Geese Treat Body Weakness

Goose, also called humiliation, is a kind of water bird raised a lot in our country. From goose meat processing many delicious dishes such as roasted goose, breaded goose, fried goose, grilled goose, steamed goose ... each dish has its own unique and attractive flavor

Nutrition facts: protein, lipid, carbon compounds, elemental Ca, P, Fe, vitamin C. Goose meat parts such as goose meat, honey, eggs, feathers, goose blood are all used in medicine in the East. y

According to Oriental medicine, the meat of the goose spiced up with the spoiled taste, thirsty only for cases of emaciation, fatigue, weakness, diabetes.

Geese Treat Body Weakness

Goose honey detoxifies heat; goose eggs complement the gas utility; fur and skin treatment skin, eggshell acne treatment ...
Herbal remedies that use geese
- Treatment of boils: burning goose feather 40g, acid alum 80g. Grind small, use rice water as a member. Each 8g, drink with alcoholic water (diluted alcohol). Or the remaining goose feather counted 40g, the majestic 12g, the 6g cross-section, the 6g draft, the wax was just enough

Crushing and blending goose hairs, mighties, cross-hairs and herbs into fine powder; Mixed with molten beeswax to make tablets.

Geese Treat Body Weakness

Drink 2 times a day, 4g each time, drink with alcohol.

- Treating leprosy and sores: 600 ginseng, goose feather 320g. Star goose feathers exist, mixed with dry ginseng, small canopy. Using rice water to make lake, corn balls (3g). Take cinnabar to make clothes.
Drink 2 times a day, 5 - 10g each time, drink with thin alcohol. Cures itching all over the body, redness, unusual scratching, painful limbs, cracked skin.
- Relieving pain caused by impact: blood goose feather tube 7, earthworm 7 children, frankincense 5g.

Geese Treat Body Weakness

Starburnt goose feathers, earthworms or crispy baked with frankincense pulverized into fine powder, add some beeswax as tablets. Take 2 times a day (morning, evening); Each drink 4g with diluted alcohol.
- Treatment of lymph nodes in the neck (calendar speaker): Take all hair, skin lining of legs and mouth, place on the burning tile to burn red. Take crushed coal divided into 10 parts, each drink during the day, drink after meals.
Some dishes - remedies with goose
- Goose meat juice: Goose meat whole, clean the intestines, stew pressed for water. For diabetics.
- Goose stewed gas: one goose, royal period 30g, 30g ginseng, 30g medicinal herbs. Geese cleanse the intestines; cooking herbs together, add spices to match.

Geese Treat Body Weakness

Use for cases of spleen weak, eat poorly, tired.
- Goose stewed goose with additional ladder: 1 goose meat, lean pork 200g, medicinal herbs 20g, sa ginseng 20g, pearl 20g architecture. Add to the pot, add water and spices to taste, simmer simmer. Goose stew with additional gas, tonic, used in the case of dry mouth, thirst, fatigue, shortness of breath, asthma, poor appetite, diabetes ...
Taboo: People with low heat (acute bacterial infections) do not use..

Geese Treat Body Weakness

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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