Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

Many pregnant women experience hair loss during pregnancy due to many causes, from changes in the mother's body to the effects of the external environment. So this situation is not dangerous, how to prevent it?
The reason why pregnant women lose hair
Many people face hair loss during many years. This situation is more common in pregnant women. People who didn't lose their hair before, but when pregnant, lost their hair in large quantities. And for those who have lost their hair before, during pregnancy, their hair sheds more than before

There are many reasons why pregnant women lose hair. Among them, there can be a few common causes:
Hormonal changes
Even ordinary people, if for a long time always live in the feeling of stress, fatigue will cause more hair loss. This condition is telogen effluvium (TE) hair loss
Pregnant women are vulnerable to this condition.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

The reason is that when pregnant, especially in the first trimester, the mother will often feel stressed because the hormones inside the body change to support the developing fetus. This change affects the hair. If the mother had shed about 100 hairs a day, this period could reach 300.
However, pregnant women do not need to worry because hair loss due to hormonal changes during pregnancy usually does not last longer than 6 months and does not cause permanent hair loss. This condition will improve in the last months of pregnancy or after the mother is born.
Many pregnant women experience hair loss when starting pregnancy
When pregnant, mothers not only need to nurture themselves but also have to raise a small little creature inside the belly. Therefore, I need to add more nutrients to both mother and child are always healthy

If the mother does not provide enough protein, vitamins and minerals in pregnancy, she may experience hair loss.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

However, not every supply is good but conversely, if excess vitamin A, the hair and skin will be affected with the opposite effect. Therefore, for the safest, moms should consult nutritionists, obstetricians for advice on a safe and reasonable diet.
Genetic factors
Genetic factors have the potential to affect hair loss in pregnant women. If your parents have had this problem, your risk of hair loss is very high. In particular, if your mother has hair loss during pregnancy, it is difficult to avoid this condition during pregnancy.
Health issues
In addition to the above reasons, if the mother is experiencing some health abnormalities, it will lead to hair loss during pregnancy. These include:
- Abnormal thyroid
During pregnancy, pregnant women find it difficult to detect thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. However, this condition is quite common, especially hypothyroidism, with every 2 out of 100 pregnant women.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

get. Thyroid disorders cause many symptoms such as constipation, cramping and hair loss.
Hair loss in pregnant women can be due to hormonal changes or psychological stress caused
- Iron deficiency
During pregnancy, pregnant women need more iron than usual to nourish their developing fetus. Failure to provide enough will cause iron deficiency, leading to anemia. When iron deficiency is not enough red blood cells take oxygen to the tissues in the body.
Manifestations of iron deficiency are feelings of fatigue, lack of vitality, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, dizziness and excessive hair loss.
Iron deficiency is common in pregnant women with severe morning sickness, multiple pregnancies or twins or two consecutive pregnancies close to each other.
- Scalp injury
There are many pregnant women, the state of hair loss is not related to pregnancy.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

If in recent times, the mother has perm, straightened hair or tied too tight hair can also cause hair breakage much. This cause is easy to overcome.
What to do to overcome hair loss during pregnancy
Too much hair loss makes pregnant women feel uncomfortable, sometimes worried because they think that they may have a dangerous disease. See your health care provider as well as the cause of hair loss to find a remedy.
Here are tips for pregnant women who have a lot of hair loss during pregnancy:
Visit your doctor to find out if you are deficient in iron, calcium or other nutrients, if not, take as directed by your doctor.
Try to be as comfortable as possible during pregnancy, limit stress, stress or anxiety because it not only causes hair loss but also affects the fetus.
Using natural essential oils to massage the scalp, while limiting hair loss and stimulating hair growth, and creating a relaxing and pleasant feeling for pregnant women
Enhance the addition of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, not only good for health but also help to strengthen hair and minimize breakage.
Mother should drop hair or use crab claws to tie hair, do not tie hair too tight will cause hair to break easily
During pregnancy, mothers should limit the use of chemicals to beautify hair such as straightening, straightening, curling, n.

Hair Loss During Pregnancy Overcome Like?

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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