Handling When Hypothermia

Hypothermia is a serious condition that occurs in many illnesses, requiring emergencies depending on the situation.
Hypothermia is like?
Hypothermia is a condition when the temperature of the anus is lower than 35 degrees C, from 35 to 34 degrees C is a slight hypothermia; 34 - 32 degrees C is average hypothermia; 32 - 25 degrees Celsius is severe hypothermia; below 25 degrees C is critical hypothermia.
When body temperature drops, the heart, nervous system and others cannot function normally. If left untreated, hypothermia can lead to complete failure of the heart and respiratory system and ultimately death.
Hypothermia is usually caused by exposure to cold weather or immersion in cold water

. The main treatment for hypothermia is to restore the body to normal temperature.
The mechanism of body heat loss
Mechanisms for heat loss from the body include:
Radiant heat: Most heat loss is caused by heat radiating from unprotected surfaces of the body.
Direct contact: If direct contact with something very cold, such as cold water or cold ground, heat will be removed from the body
Because water is very good at transferring heat from the body, body heat is lost much faster when in cold water.

Handling When Hypothermia

Similarly, heat loss from the body will be much faster if the clothes are wet.
Wind: Wind removes body heat by carrying away a thin layer of warm air on the skin's surface.
Symptoms of hypothermia
Shivering is probably the first thing you'll notice when your body's temperature begins to drop because it's your body's automatic mechanism against cold temperatures.
Signs and symptoms of hypothermia include:
Mild hypothermia: Shivering except in newborns who do not have this symptom, cold skin bluish purple, small pulse, little urine, low blood pressure. Infants may start to have scleroderma symptoms.
Moderate hypothermia: cyanotic skin, bruised extremities, weak pulse, lethargy, hypotension, shallow breathing, little urination, bradycardia. Infants with widespread scleroderma

Severe and severe hypothermia: cold cold skin, purple extremities, muscle stiffness, except in the case of hypothermia due to intoxication, by deep anesthesia, the muscle is weak.

Handling When Hypothermia

Disorder of consciousness. If the temperature is below 28 degrees C, then coma, pupils dilated, loss of light reflection. If the tendon reflexes remain, the EEG is still active, then it is still able to recover.
Causes of hypothermia
Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat fast. The most common cause of hypothermia is exposure to cold weather or cold water. But prolonged exposure to any environment colder than your body can lead to hypothermia if you do not wear the right clothes or cannot control the conditions.
Specific causes of hypothermia include:
Wear clothes that are not warm enough for weather conditions
Staying out in the cold for too long
Wet clothes for too long do not change
Falling water
Room temperature is too cold
Staying out in the cold for too long can lead to hypothermia
Factors that increase the risk of hypothermia:
Exhaustion: The cold tolerance decreases when the body is tired
Older age: The body's ability to regulate temperature and colds may decrease with age.
Young children: Children lose heat faster than adults
Mental problems: People with mental illness, dementia or other conditions that interfere with judgment may not dress appropriately or understand the risk of cold weather.

Handling When Hypothermia

Alcohol and drug use: Alcohol can make your body feel warm inside, but it causes your blood vessels to expand, leading to faster heat loss from the skin's surface.
Health problems: Some health problems affect the body's ability to regulate body temperature, such as an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), poor nutrition or loss of appetite, diabetes, stroke, inflammation. severe joints, Parkinson's disease ...
Medications: Certain medications can change your body's ability to regulate body temperature, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, addictive analgesics and sedatives.
Handling when hypothermia
Heating: external heating with warm water mattresses, warm blankets, room air conditioning for only warmth slowly.
Severe cases: CPR by intubation when there is severe hypoventilation and consciousness disorders.

Handling When Hypothermia

Infusion bicarbonate sodium 42%, electrolyte solution, blood, plasma depending on the main disease causing hypothermia, cardiovascular conditions need to slowly and cautiously transfer.
Stomach aspiration and catheterization to prevent functional bowel paralysis. Do not use vasoconstrictor drugs as peripheral obstruction easily causes pulmonary edema.
Prevention of hypothermia
Before going out in the cold air, you need to wear clothes to keep the body warm with waterproof material or wind resistance.
Keep children safe from colds
To avoid the risk of alcohol hypothermia, do not drink alcohol:
If traveling by boat, wear a life jacket to prevent falling into the water, a life jacket can help you float on the surface of the water.
Don't soak in cold water for too long like swimming or bathing
When coming from cold outside, need to drink hot tea or warm water to heat up the body.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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