Herbs From Spinach

Spinach, scientific name Spinacia oleracea L. Chenopodiaceae. Eastern medicine called three thai, spinach. Sweetness, coolness. Into the market and taste business

. In addition to everyday food, spinach has many good effects in medicine. Here are some prescriptions using spinach
Anti-anemia, low blood pressure: 80g spinach, washed, chopped, ¼ teaspoon salt (or 1/2 teaspoon seasoning powder), 3g sliced onions. Cook 3 cups of water to 1 cup
Eat corpses, drink water 2 times a day.

Herbs From Spinach

You can add 50g of goat meat and 3 tablespoons of medium roasted rice cooked with 100g of spinach. In 3 cups of cooked water is 1.5 cups. Eat 2 times / day. Continuous for 3 - 5 days.
Anti-necrosis: 150g spinach, washed, chopped, dipped with 1/3 teaspoon of salt for about 1 hour. Stars, demolition, puree
When thirsty, mix 1 tablespoon in 30ml boiled water to cool.

Herbs From Spinach

Take 1 - 4 times / day. Continuous for 7 days.
Supplementing heart failure: 250g of spinach, 150g of leaf clusters, 5g of licorice, reprocessing 3 common things, crushing. Drink when thirsty. Constantly until you see eating and sleeping well, no longer nervous, unexpectedly tired.
Increases secretion of pancreatic secretion, endocrine glands: 250g of spinach washed, chopped, chopped 50g kidney, 50g beef liver, 3g onion. All cooked in 500ml of water, 1/3 wedge spoon seasoning, 150ml remaining, add 3 cloves of green onions. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, instant for 2 weeks.

Herbs From Spinach

Anti-aging cells, rickets, body weakness: 200g of spinach, 30g of purple yam, 30g of pumpkin, 150g of clams or mussels, 100g of lotus root. Wash cabbage, yam, diced pumpkin or puree. Boiled clams have just peeled, take meat, put in 1/3 tablespoon seasoning. Stewed lotus root is washed in 500ml of water, 300ml is also added pumpkin, yam and clam meat to the stew, add 3g of alum sugar. 150ml left for medium-sized spinach. Eat 1 time in the evening before bed. Consistently for 10 days.
Elderly, young children with acute gastrointestinal inflammation, constipation, dysentery: 100g spinach, 1/3 teaspoon of salt, cooked with 3 cups of water, 1 cup remaining.

Herbs From Spinach

Adults drink once at noon. Children drink morning and afternoon. Prevention of high blood pressure, defecation or difficulty defecation: fresh spinach 250g, put in boiling water for 3 minutes, then take out and mix with salt, sesame oil. Eat twice a day. Laxative, defecation: spinach 100g, rice 100g. First, cook rice to porridge, then put spinach into boil again. People often use this dish to treat hemorrhoids, difficulty defecation, frequent secretions and constipation in the elderly.
Treatment of night blindness: 500g of fresh spinach, crushed to get water, drink once a day, divided into 2 times.

Herbs From Spinach

250g fresh spinach, 120g pork liver, boiled and eaten light. Or take spinach and pork liver equally. Spinach spinach into boiling water, then squeeze water, add water to boil pig's liver. When eating, only drink water.
Treatment of red eyes caused by drafts, red eyelids: use 60g of spinach, 15g of wild chrysanthemums (wild daisies), drink water.
Treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, blood loss and anemia: 250g of pig blood, add water to boil, simmer and remove, sliced or sliced, return to the pot with 500g of spinach, cook into soup, then When ripe, add some oil and salt to be eaten. This article has a laxative effect, defecation, blood tonic.
Treatment of diabetes, thirst for drinking lots of water: 60 - 120g of spinach, 15g of dried chicken gizzard (internal needle), give water to drink twice a day, 2-3 times a day.

Herbs From Spinach


. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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