Hiccup – When Is It Dangerous?
Hiccups are repeated, uncontrolled contractions of the diaphragm, the diaphragm contracts in a rhythm that causes a hiccup.
Cause of hiccups
Due to illness
There are many causes of hiccups, but the most common cause of illness. Some diseases of the digestive system such as acute or chronic esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastro-duodenal diseases such as gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer (inflammation of the lining of the stomach, inflammation of the large or small curved edges); pyloric ulcer, pro-pyloric ulcer, curved edge ulcer (large, small), pyloric ulcer or stomach cancer ..
Most stomach and duodenal diseases increase gastric secretion, which causes abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and some patients may experience hiccups because of the stimulation of the diaphragm.
Biliary tract disease such as cholangitis (cholecystitis, gallbladder stones) or pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer can also stimulate vagus or diaphragm nerves that cause hiccups.
Stress, nervous system damage
People may also experience hiccups in some cases of stress or hysteria or central nervous system damage for any reason such as encephalitis (bacterial or viral) or traumatic brain injury
Hiccups after surgery
Hiccups can also appear in some patients after surgery such as after abdominal surgery (gastro-duodenal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic surgery ...).
Using pharmaceuticals or toxic chemicals
The cause of hiccups is quite common in the use of some toxic drugs or chemicals such as corticosteroid drugs, benzodiazepine sedatives or some types of Parkinson's disease.
Use of medication
Some antibiotics have been found to cause hiccups such as macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, roxythromycin .
) or fluoroquinolon antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, ciprobay, ofloxacin, norfloxacin ...).
So when using any medicine that causes hiccups, it is necessary to stop immediately, and if stop using that medicine and hiccups, prove that hiccups caused by the drug. After stopping the medication, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor for a more appropriate alternative.
Cancer treatment
Hiccups can also be found in some cancer treatment chemicals, in which case it is also necessary for the doctor to let the doctor prescribe certain medications to treat the hiccups.
However, many cases of hiccups do not identify the cause, so it is very difficult to treat, sometimes doctors have to treat from simple to the most effective drugs.
Hiccups, though a symptom, cause a lot of inconvenience to patients.
Classification status hiccups
It is divided into acute hiccups and chronic hiccups.
Acute hiccups usually hiccup only briefly (about a few hours to a few days, low frequency).
Chronic hiccups are cases of continuous hiccups that last for hours, days, even hiccups for a few months or longer, making the person very uncomfortable, anxious and having many pressing emotions that cause fatigue and loss. sleep, weight loss.
For some patients after surgery on the abdomen, the chest area is postoperative period, but hiccups make the incision painful, sometimes making the incision slowly healing due to hiccups pulling up the muscles stomach.
When hiccups take small sips of water
How to treat hiccup?
Although hiccups are not deadly but make people very uncomfortable and cause many troubles. So when the disease related to hiccups should seek medical attention as soon as possible in order to find the cause.
If hiccups have a specific cause, it is not difficult to treat hiccups but once the cause is unknown (hiccups with unknown cause), the treatment will face many difficulties.
For example, hiccups due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be treated definitively because diseases of the gastrointestinal tract especially esophagus and stomach - duodenum cause the most irritation of the diaphragm. However, in the case of unidentified cause must be treated symptom hiccups.
Right from the first time hiccups may not take medication right away, you can use some simple, easy-to-follow methods that still have certain results such as drinking a glass of cold (cool) water, drinking slowly sips one or cover your nose, hold your breath or take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
People can also apply psychological measures such as focusing on something complicated or interesting like watching football, volleyball, boxing ... About Oriental medicine, acupuncture can also be given back.
Western medicine also has many effective treatment regimens but has many undesirable effects (side effects) as well as many interactions with other drugs or contraindications. Therefore, patients should definitely not buy medicine to treat hiccups without a doctor's prescription.
The surgery to remove the diaphragm nerve is the last resort when all other methods do not work, while the disease tends to increase in both the intensity and frequency of occurrence and exhaustion. Much to the health say ch. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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