How To Be A Good Sports Player

Have you ever played for a team with people who hate losing? Or maybe you have a hard time when you lose something - even a game of checkers.
Some children find it extremely difficult to lose, but everyone needs to learn how to deal with it. Learning to lose without losing your temper is a skill, like learning to ride a bike. You can't do it right away, but over time it gets easier. And when you can cope with losing, people will call you a good sports player

Why must we learn to lose kindly?
Everyone wants to win. But any contest between two teams or between children, there must be a losing side (unless it's a friendly match). Children can lose small things, like a game of chess, but sometimes they also experience greater feelings of failure, like in a championship final

Losing is disappointing, so it's no wonder children don't like to lose.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

Adults also don't like it, but people can learn to control how to respond to failure. In other words, what should you do when you lose?
The ominous part is sometimes you react before you even realize. For example, in a final match to win your (Little League game), and in the blink of an eye, the other team won. The opponent celebrates victory while you are crying. One thing for sure is that you absolutely don't want to cry at that moment, even though it's normal to feel sad.
Stay calm while playing sports
What matters is what you do next. Have you ever created waves for other teams accusing them of cheating? Is not! The best thing to do is try to stay calm and line up with your teammates to congratulate the victory of the other team
Perhaps you've seen players play in leagues (Little League) do this.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

Each team is in a long queue and they walk along the other team's players and say "you played well in the match".
Sure, the losing team doesn't feel this is a good game, but this tradition is a way to teach everyone to be good sports players. If you want to cry or complain about the game, you can do it - but do it after you leave the pitch and calm down. After a while, you may not feel as sad as soon as the game is over.
Lose - on your own terms
Sometimes children win and lose on their own. For example, in a basketball game, there will be difficult situations without the adults as a referee. It is up to the students to decide whether to score or break the law. When children organize games themselves without adults, there are many advantages, but it can also lead to a lot of controversy.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

The kids always want their team to win and can react very strongly if the game doesn't favor their team.
How can you resolve disagreements? It would be great if everyone tried to play fair. Some children still want to cheat or bypass the rules, but try to be fair if you are friends. It is also possible for your opponent to realize the benefits of interrogation. Maybe you think that score shouldn't count and another team should. If possible, you can say, "OK, it can count." Hopefully, your opponents also carry a fair sense of sportsmanship and acknowledge your opinion. If not, you will not be accused of fraud or unfair play.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

You have contributed to creating a fair playing spirit in sports.
Children who have good sportsmanship, are not afraid to lose, will gradually become approachable. Children will not want to play with people who are angry, not inferior to anyone or never let others take a break.
10 Ways to Be a Good Sports Player
Here are some ways you can show how you are sporty
Be polite to your teammates and opponents. No fuss - meaning no harsh, harsh words while playing.
Unobtrusive Just play hard. If you play well, people will recognize.
Tell your opponent that "you played well!" whether you win or lose.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

Follow the rules of the game. Be on time for practice and competition - even if you are the team's star.
Listen to the coach and follow the game instructions.
Do not argue with the organizer if you disagree with their verdict. If you do not understand their decision, wait until the end of the match to ask the coach or the committee to explain it to you.
Do not defend or blame a teammate when you lose. Try to learn from what happened.
Get ready to sit on the bench so other members of the team can enter the playing field - even if you think you play better than them.

How To Be A Good Sports Player

Fair play and no cheating.
Cheer on your teammates even if the score is 1,000-1! You can inspire your teammates to play well again!

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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