How To Play Sports And Exercise Safely
The necessary tools
Did you know that playing tennis with an overly heavy racket and wearing worn-out shoes can be as dangerous as playing rugby without a shoulder pad? Misuse of the device or improper wear are also a major cause of injury.
The protective gear you wear when you participate in sports and other activities is key to preventing injury. Starting with helmets: they are important for sports like rugby, hockey, baseball, handball, biking, skateboarding, ice skating, snowboarding, etc.
Always wear a helmet that is specific to the sport you are playing.
When choosing a bicycle helmet, look for one with a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) labeled by the consumer of the product on the helmet
If you use the same specialized helmet for many sports for skating and skateboarding, it is not safe for bicycles except when it has CPSC stickers.
Any helmet should fit snugly, be comfortable wearing, and not be tilted forward or back.
Eye protection device
Eye protection is also a must for some sports:
Regular eye protection is made from a polycarbonate plastic and has been specially tested for sports use
Polycarbonate masks or shields are attached to the helmet in subjects such as rugby, ice hockey and baseball during matches.
Detachable glasses are often used when playing football, basketball, sports using racket, skiing, baseball, hockey when playing.
If you have refractive errors and are wearing glasses, you need to have special glasses for your game, not for casual glasses.
All eye protectors should fit snugly and have a cushion on the brow area as well as the bridge of your nose.
Mouth guards
To protect the mouth, teeth and tongue.
You should wear a mouth guard when playing sports that have a collision or risk of a head injury, such as rugby, basketball, hockey, volleyball, martial arts, boxing, or thing.
This protective gear can be customized for you by your dentist or purchased from one of the many sporting goods stores.
If you are wearing a maintenance device for dental treatment, remove it before engaging in any exercise
Wrist, elbow, knee protectors
If you are skating Patin, skateboarding, or riding a Scooter, wear these types of protection.
Protecting your elbows and wrists can prevent fractures in this area, protecting your knees can shield your knees from scratches or injuries.
If you are involved in some sports, especially crashing, then pads are extremely helpful:
All types of sports, from hockey to patin skating, use pads. There are many types to protect the chin, knees, elbows, wrists, chest, shoulders, hips and thighs.
Please consult with a coach or doctor to know what type of pads are suitable for the sport you participate in.
Some athletes may wear a protective cap to protect the testicle.
Players of hockey, rugby, basketball, baseball, soccer and related sports should use protective shooting.
For non-collision sports that involve running, male athletes should wear clothing designed to support this section.
If you are not sure, consult your trainer or parents to find out if you need to wear protective gear in the sport you participate in.
And last but not least, wearing the right shoe size can keep you from tripping and falling:
You know subjects like rugby, baseball, soccer ... needing shoe insoles. But did you know skateboarding or cycling also requires specialized shoes? Consult with an expert about the type of shoes appropriate for the sport you intend to participate in.
Replace shoes and pads when worn or no longer supporting.
Tools need not only the right type but also the right size. If you don't know which one is right, check with your teacher or parent to make sure you're wearing the right size and using it correctly.
Many sporting goods stores can also help you choose the right equipment. Proper equipment and the right size helps to significantly reduce injuries in sports.
Warm up before playing
Do not rush to play sports or exercise without starting; Muscles that are not properly started tend to be more vulnerable.
Start with some light activity for the circulatory system, such as jogging, or brisk walking, to get your muscles working. Then we will stretch the body. (Stretching is best after startup because your tissues are more elastic thanks to an increase in body temperature and blood flow to the muscles.)
Besides warm-up startups, some exercise is also great for preparing to play most sports. If you take a group exercise, attend as many practice sessions and competitions as possible.
This will help you achieve. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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