How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

Why does the eye suddenly become nearsighted. Myopia is why it happens to one person and not to the other. To answer this question, people have tried to understand how the eyes will certainly be nearsighted? Unfortunately, so far there has been no satisfactory solution.
Certainly myopia has genetic factors (regulated by genes) but geographical factors, social, habitat, race, nutrition .

.. also its role and complex intertwining.
Keep your working distance as far as possible
This view has nearly 200 years
Working with eyes at close range, high intensity will be the main cause of myopia.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

The higher your education is, the more special professions that use computers or microscopes will be near-sighted friends. Watching out of work or the habit of using your eyes at close range is not easy. Sometimes it's a piece of rice, a promotion, a learning power.

But we should also proactively decide our lives, with children, parents or teachers must protect their children's eyes. Do not work much with a distance smaller than 35cm.
Studies show that the pupils contract at close sight, the body of the eyelids also spasm, leading to an increase in the production of aqueous humor. The consequence is the long axis of the eyeball along with arising myopia axis

Brightness plays an important role
Logically reasoning, good lighting will help us not to have a close look at the document, the pupils are moderately small, the eyelids may not be overly crooked.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

Invisible nearsightedness due to overly close vision is prevented if we perform this stage well. A yellow light or a pear or compac light does not seem to matter anymore. Simply good lighting.
The light source for children at home should be left behind and overhead. Otherwise, it should not be exposed directly to cause glare and heat. In addition to the lighting power (in units of lux), foot candella is also important. Minimum illuminance Emc is a familiar concept used by lighting system designers. The appropriate classroom lighting is 320-400 lux.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

Fluorescent light bulbs in parallel with the window system, electronic balad are recommended for classroom lighting, but should also make the most of sunlight.
Sitting posture
Sitting posture depends heavily on the system of tables and chairs and lighting. In general, the children's face should be about 35-40cm away from books, the table surface should be beveled about 15-20 degrees from horizontal to prevent the child from bending his head. Good posture also makes children learn to reduce fatigue, avoid scoliosis later.
Time to study and work

Still from Article 1 if the eyes are exploited excessively, in addition to causing fatigue and aches, there is also the development of myopia. The body of the eyelashes from the elastic can lead to convulsions (nearsightedness) and then myopia is really a process. But not everyone knows to stop at the right time or get the right intervention to get out of sight. Not all educators agree with the 45-minute 5-minute point of view, so do the ophthalmologists.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

5 minutes of rest for the eyes, playing on the playground is a good form of stress relief for the eyes.
Teachers who have an initiative to change places for students to think is also a good idea for children to change learning distance and eye intensity. Do not work by computer or gaming more than 5 hours a day. If you don't pay attention to this advice, then myopia or increased number of glasses will count with you with a probability greater than 80%. Singapore is a very successful country in reducing children with myopia. Their secret is to reduce class time, increase playing time, increase the time of extra-curricular activities.
If children are nearsighted, they should encourage children not to wear glasses when studying, reading at home. Doing so will help you maintain your inherent regulatory capacity.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

Overlooking infinity (over 5m) also helps the eyes reduce the regulation, reduce the formation or increase the number of myopia.
Genetics and other factors
A study of 1,114 myopia cases in the US also revealed a few interesting things. Genetics are mentioned again. However, genetics cannot be changed, which we cannot choose who will be born. On the scale of the population, white people are more nearsighted than colored people, women suffer more often than men. For South Asia, like Vietnam, it seems to be an exception: people with black glasses have increased rapidly.

It is explained that the dizzy urbanization process and economic transformation is the cause of lifestyle changes for a part of the population here, accompanied by an increase in myopia. High fertility age, mothers addicted to tobacco, premature birth .

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

.. easily cause myopia for children. Despite the effort paid attention to: parental education, maternal illness, physical development of the child in the womb and postpartum, other development indicators of the body ... but the above study did not add Which one is strongly recommended.
Too many nutritional factors are considered to help prevent or reduce myopathy.

How To Prevent Myopia At School Age

The recommended vitamin is A-C-E-B2-D. The trace minerals zinc, selene, bromine, magnesium, calcium ... are also considered to have a role in myopia. But there are many.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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