How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

Staphylococcus aureus can enter the lungs through two routes: inhalation of the upper respiratory tract or transmission through blood. Staph pneumonia is a serious bacterial infection with a high mortality rate.
Staphylococcus aureus can enter the lungs through two routes: inhalation of the upper respiratory tract or transmission through blood. Staph pneumonia is a serious bacterial infection with a high mortality rate.
Risk factors for staphylococcal pneumonia
Staph is a gram-positive bacteria, secreting many toxins and extracellular enzymes

. Staph can make a polyscaccarid shell against phagocytosis. When encapsulated, bacteria easily enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis. The uncoated type of bacteria mainly causes local illness, but when it enters the bloodstream by injection, it causes septic shock

People get sick from two ways: one is to breathe staphylococcal into the airways.

How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

In patients with influenza or immunodeficiency, staphylococcus aureus in the upper respiratory tract is sucked into the lungs. The other is the staphylococcus aureus that travels to the lungs from an extraseptic infection.
According to this mechanism, pneumonia has many foci, often occurs after skin boils, by injecting drugs, dialysis patients, placing contaminated intravascular devices, thrombophlebitis, membranes in the heart of the tricuspid region.
Many studies have shown that: due to poor living conditions, poor hygiene and indiscriminate use of antibiotics and long-term hospitalization, it facilitates the penetration of staphylococcus pneumonia.
The habit of buying antibiotics for treatment, which is not prescribed by the doctor, is not the right dose, nor has the effect on staphylococcus aureus makes resistance.
Signs detect disease
The patient is usually in a flu-like state, after a few days he experiences a high fever, shortness of breath, severe coughing, rapid exhaustion and inanimate feeling. Common symptoms are chest pain, intoxication, shortness of breath, necrosis and abscess formation

Pleural hematoma is the most common complication causing aggravation.

How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

The disease is often accompanied by a sore throat, which appears along with the rash, and results in systemic toxicity.
Another disease, pneumococcal pneumonia, is often associated with influenza, measles, and is common in people with chronic, immunocompromised disease, the highest cause of pneumonia in intubated patients. Symptoms depend on the age and health of the patient.
Pneumonia occurs very quickly after staphylococcal infection. When complications of pneumonia, symptoms of influenza, measles are often worse. Common signs are high fever, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, cough. Respiratory failure, septic shock may be encountered. Two common complications are pleural effusion and pleural effusion.

How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

The incidence of sepsis is about 20% of cases.
Sputum test shows staph. Chest X-ray shows many round pneumonia, irregular size, asymmetrical sides of lungs. Isolate staphylococcus in blood, sputum, pleural fluid ...
Note in treatment and prevention
Staphylococcus pneumonia is a serious disease, with a high mortality rate. Treatment requires intensive resuscitation and antibiotics effective against bacteria.

How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

Currently, staphylococci are often resistant to penicillins because they produce penicillin enzyme.
So antibiotics must fight against this enzyme to be used to kill staph. It is best to use the drug according to antibiotics. Commonly used drugs are: 3rd generation cephalosporins. Duration of antibiotic treatment usually lasts 4 weeks. In severe cases, imipenem and gentamyxin may be used, especially in the presence of sepsis.
Due to the difficult treatment and many dangerous complications, the prevention of staphylococcal pneumonia becomes extremely important and meaningful to protect the health of everyone. Prevention with the following measures: when caring for patients in the hospital, or visiting the hospital to visit the sick, they need to wear a mask to avoid inhalation of bacteria in general and staph.

How To Prevent Pneumonia Caused By Staphylococcus

People who have the flu or have a weakened immune system often wear masks to avoid getting sick from staph and other illnesses. Keep your skin clean by showering daily. Thorough treatment of skin infections such as pimples and wounds Diseases that can cause staphylococcal pneumonia such as thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, etc. must also be actively treated.
Improve resistance by eating well and exercising regularly. Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a doctor, absolutely do not buy oral antibiotics to limit the staphylococcal resistance..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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