How To Start Exercising?

What type of exercise should be chosen?
It is best to choose exercises that increase your heart rate and use large muscles (such as the muscles in your legs and arms). Choose an activity you like, start slowly and gradually increase as you get used to it. Walking is a very popular exercise and does not require special equipment. Other good exercise include swimming, biking, jogging and jumping. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking instead of driving can also be a good way to start becoming more active

How long should you exercise?
Start exercising at least 3 times per week for 20 minutes or longer each time. Then increase to 5 times per week and at least every 30 minutes. You can also combine many short activities in one day
For busy people, it is possible to exercise during the lunch break or during errands.

How To Start Exercising?

Exercising with friends or family members can help you feel more interesting. At the same time, having a companion will encourage and help you stick with exercise.
What should be done before and after exercise?
Start an exercise session by slowly starting up. During this time (about 5 to 10 minutes), first slowly stretch your muscles, and then gradually increase the level of activity. For example, start walking slowly and then gradually increase the pace.
After you've finished exercising, take 5 to 10 minutes to relax. Again, stretch your muscles and let your heart rate steadily decrease
You can use the movements as in the start-up phase.

How To Start Exercising?

Some stretching exercises to warm up and relax the feet are introduced at the end of this document. If you are exercising with the upper body, use warm up exercises for your arms, shoulders, chest and back.
Should exercise with intensity like?
Even little exercise is better than no exercise. Start with an activity that can help you relax. As you get used to exercise, keep your heart rate between 60% and 85% of your "maximum heart rate".
To calculate this heart rate firstly need to calculate the maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220 (age in years). Then, to calculate the heart rate should be maintained during exercise, take the maximum heart rate times 0.60 or 0.

How To Start Exercising?

85. For example, if you are 40 years old, subtracting 40 minus 40, equates to a maximum heart rate of 180 (220 40 = 180). Then, multiply this number by 0.60 or 0.85, so your exercise rate should be between 108 and 153 (180 x 0.60 = 108 and 180 x 0.85 = 153). .

How To Start Exercising?

When starting out, you can use a low heart rate (180 x 0.60 = 108). Then, once you get used to it, you can use a high heart rate (180 x 0.85 = 153). Check your heart rate by gently putting 2 fingers on one side of your neck and counting beats for 1 minute. Use a timer to measure time.
See also the article Target heart rate when exercising, losing weight and protecting health
How to avoid injuring yourself?
The safest way to avoid injury during exercise is to avoid too much, too quickly. Start with easy activities, such as walking.

How To Start Exercising?

You can walk a few minutes a day or several times a day. Then slowly increase the time and activity level. For example, you can slowly increase your walking speed over a few weeks. If you feel tired or in pain somewhere; You can choose a softer exercise mode or take a day to relax. Do not stop exercising completely, even if you do not feel well. If you have questions or think you have been seriously injured, you should go to your doctor for specific instructions.
Things to know about bodybuilding
Most types of exercise will help improve the strength of the heart muscle and other muscles. Bodybuilding is a type of exercise that develops the strength and endurance of large muscle groups.

How To Start Exercising?

Weightlifting is an example of this type. You can also work out with a fitness machine. Your doctor or fitness coach can give you more information about how to safely practice with weightlifters or exercise machines.
Warm up and relax before and after exercise
Calf strain
Stand opposite and about 60 cm from the wall. Keep your heels steady on the floor and back, lean forward slowly, pressing your hands and forehead against the wall. You will feel muscle tension above the heel. Hold the pose for 20 seconds and then relax. Repeat the movement several times
Tense thigh muscles
Stand opposite and about 30 cm from the wall.

How To Start Exercising?

Keep your balance by clinging to the wall with your right hand, pulling your right leg back and then using your left hand to grab your right foot, gently pulling your heels up against your buttocks for 20 seconds. This will stretch the muscles in the front of the right leg. Do the same with the left leg.
Stretching the groin
Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Straighten your left leg straight back. Keep your right foot flat on the floor and lean forward so that your chest presses against your right knee; Then gradually transfer weight to the left foot, keeping the left leg as straight as possible. Hold the pose for 20 seconds.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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