How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

With the rapid development of modern medicine, the survival rate of babies born prematurely is increasing. So how to take care of premature babies properly is certainly something that mothers of premature babies are very interested in.
Note about premature babies
Babies born prematurely have a shorter body length and a lighter weight than full term babies.
Normally, a full-term baby is about 37 weeks old. Premature babies usually weigh no more than 2

.5 kg and have a circumference of less than 33 cm.
Babies born prematurely if they often have poor respiratory system, without care skills, they will be easy to choke, vomiting, diarrhea and bloating.
4 Golden rule for caring for premature babies
Improve respiratory system function
Premature babies are often susceptible to respiratory failure because the chest is easily deformed, due to the soft ribs, weak ribs muscles, the lungs have not dilated well, the immature alveoli, the structure of the respiratory center
Incomplete, dilated lung parenchyma inadequate for gas exchange.

How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

During this time, children often breathe through the mouth, bloating when inhaled, breathing periodically, may stop breathing for less than 15 seconds. If the apnea lasts longer than 15 seconds with cyanosis, bradycardia, it should be monitored and treated promptly, because respiratory failure is a leading cause of death for premature infants.
Perfecting the temperature conditioning function
Premature babies are more susceptible to colds because the body's thermodynamic center is weak, inactive due to weak muscle tone, combined with undeveloped subcutaneous fat, which is prone to heat loss.
When cold, children do not tremble to generate heat against the cold. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the drying and warm keeping for preterm infants. If the baby's body temperature drops below 35 ° C, it can lead to a series of complications of respiratory system, nerve damage and sometimes cause bleeding in the brain.
Improve circulation function
For premature babies, fragile capillaries, incomplete coagulation factors are at high risk of bleeding, so vitamin K is often required to prevent bleeding

For premature babies often must be supplemented with vitamin K to prevent bleeding
Improve digestive and nutritional function
Children with enzyme deficiency convert bilirubin indirectly into bilirubin directly, so they often have severe and prolonged jaundice, which should be monitored regularly.

How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

The stomach of children in this period has a small volume, horizontal, lack of digestive enzymes so they do not fully absorb the food, even if only breast milk, so it is prone to bloating and vomiting. With such characteristics, the baby should breastfeed from 40 - 60ml of milk in a period of 2-4 hours, depending on the strength of the baby, can gradually increase the amount of milk. Breastfed babies often suck longer and become hungry faster than bottle.
How to take care of premature babies?
The contribution of nutrition to the care of premature babies plays a very important role. Usually, premature babies have very weak resistance, so doctors recommend that it's best to breastfeed. In case breast milk is not enough, you may also consider adding an external source of colostrum to your baby. Infants can absorb sugar and protein relatively well, but fat absorption is much more difficult. Therefore, it is best for adults to choose skimmed milk.

How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

Feeding time
For premature babies, feeding is more important and more attention than full term. After 2-4 hours of birth, an adult can feed the child. If the child eats and has vomiting or reflux, after 6 to 8 hours, the adult should change the way the baby eats. Babies are born, if the child shows signs of excessive vomiting, bruising skin and breathing difficulties, adults need to supplement the glucose infusion.
If your baby is older than 32 weeks and weighs more than 2,300g, your baby will be breastfed as soon as possible, follow the baby's needs, suck up one breast and then move to the other. If too much breastmilk does not go away, you should squeeze the milk out of the cup, then use the spoon to feed the baby to drink gradually instead of filtered water, do not give your baby other types of water, because breastfed use is enough. If a baby born under 32 weeks is unable to breastfeed, express breast milk and feed through the gastric tube 8 to 10 times a day.
Feeding interval
The amount of food needs to be based on the child's body weight.

How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

Children weighing less than 1 kg then feed 1 hour. Children weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg then feed every 1.5 hours. Children weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg then about 2 hours to feed once. For children weighing 2 kg - 2.5 kg, every 3 hours for feeding 1 time.

How To Take Care Of Premature Babies?

This feeding time is calculated at night.
In case breast milk is not enough, consider adding an external source of colostrum to babies
Method of feeding
Premature babies should be breastfed the best. If the mother's milk has not come back, the baby can be bottle fed. For bottles, the rays need to be cleared so that the baby can suckle easily.
If the size of the milk is too big, the baby will not choke quickly if it is too small, and if the rays are too small, it will be difficult for the baby to suck. Therefore, adults should pay attention to choose a bottle with milk rays suitable for children.
With some cases h.

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