How To Take Care Of The Sick

When sick, the need for nutrition decreases, leading to anorexia and fatigue. Here are some notes for you when caring for the sick.
Create a pleasant feeling
The patient should be kept in an airy room but warm enough. In addition, there should also be a certain level of quietness so that patients are not stressed. If the patient is ill for a long time, it is necessary to move the patient to another room regularly once a week to clean the room: sweep the floor, change the bed sheets

... Then close the door if necessary to avoid the wind, then move the patient back

How To Take Care Of The Sick

Every day, you have to clean the body and perform it at a certain time of the day. You can shower for sick people but pay attention to the water temperature (equal to body temperature) and have to shower in a closed room, no wind.
Psychologically, ill people always expect to be concerned, so it is necessary to appoint regular caregivers. Do not let patients see the worried, sad face of caregivers.
When sick, need comfort and can massage the body to make the person feel more comfortable. Encourage the person to move and exercise gently. For those who are forced to lie down, sit in one place, continuous massage is the best way to help patients feel comfortable

Hours of care
Be specific in your own time and follow all things like: measuring a person's temperature; personal hygiene, medication or medication, massage.

How To Take Care Of The Sick

Taking care of such a schedule will make the patient less tired. If the sick person can spread diseases, it is necessary to isolate and restrict visitation. The medicine must also be taken at the right dose and at the right time. Nutrition for the sick.
Good food for the sick
One of the top notes is that patients need to drink enough water (white water, orange juice, lemonade ...) to eliminate toxins caused by medicine.

How To Take Care Of The Sick

People with fever often prefer cooler water to warm water. Foods that need to be soft and nutritious, such as porridge, soup, milk, etc. Pay attention to a variety of foods to ensure adequate quality. may be as follows:
Drinking hot green tea: The caffeine in tea is a central nervous-stimulating drug, which has effects such as uplifting, cerebral alertness, and enhanced thinking. It can promote the secretion of adrenin which achieves anti-fatigue effect.
Chocolate: After eating chocolate will have a pleasant feeling of pleasure, it is due to the increase in the production of tryptophan (the constituent part of protein), which promotes the birth synthetic amine, which synthetic amine has anti-fatigue effect, makes people excited.
Vitamins: Each person needs to absorb more than 10 vitamins each day. In particular, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C will help the production of metabolic substances existing in the body quickly processed, with the effect of eliminating fatigue.

How To Take Care Of The Sick

High protein foods: The body's excessive heat consumption is also prone to fatigue, so need to eat a lot of high protein foods to replenish heat, such as eggs, assorted meat, beans species…
Alkaline foods: The interferon contained in foods produces antiviral protein, which boosts the body's immunity. Eating a lot of alkaline foods like fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, cow's milk, yogurt can eliminate fatigue from the acidic environment in the body..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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