Improve Indigestion

Indigestion is a manifestation of many diseases, including benign and malignant diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to detect the disease early to have timely treatment.
The "culprits" cause indigestion

Indigestion caused by many diseases and disorders, the following are the common cases. First, gastroesophageal acid reflux disease due to scleroderma and pregnancy. Second, the mechanical activity of the stomach is disturbed

. If you have gastric dilatation you may see indigestion symptoms such as bloating, bloating, nausea, etc.
Third, sensory dysfunction of the stomach can lead to functional indigestion. Fourthly, factors such as Helicobacter pylori (stomach ulcers), some oral medications such as painkillers, nitrates, antihypertensive drugs, calcium channel blockers, theophylin and progesterone also cause indigestion
and stomach acid reflux; In addition, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, stress .

Improve Indigestion

.. are also the culprits causing indigestion.
Signs of indigestion
A US study found that 40% of people heartburn 1 time / 1 month and 7% heartburn daily. Nearly 25% of the population experiences abdominal discomfort at least 6 times a year but only 10-20% see a doctor. Functional indigestion is the cause of symptoms in 60% of patients who eat indigestion.
If you have gastroesophageal reflux that causes indigestion, you will notice: heartburn, a burning sensation under the breastbone, starting from the epigastrium to the neck, accompanied by acidic discharge to the mouth that is both sour and hot
The surge will cause pharyngitis, throat, bronchitis, hoarseness and pain like angina; You may notice abdominal pain in the stomach area.

Improve Indigestion

If you have ulcerative indigestion, you may experience heartburn, burning pain in the epigastrium, which is less likely to occur when eating or taking acid suppressants.
And for people with indigestion type mechanical disorders, they will find that there is always a feeling of fullness, abdominal pain, increased pain when eating, accompanied by nausea, bloating, belching and fullness. You should note that to distinguish indigestion due to dysfunction or injury due to the disease must be based on the characteristics of the medical history and examination results. For example, painful swallowing is suggested due to esophageal infection, while difficulty swallowing may be due to obstruction of the esophagus. Other noticeable symptoms are weight loss, excessive vomiting causing pronounced dehydration, gastrointestinal bleeding, tumor examination ...
Dyspepsia should be distinguished from a number of diseases: firstly, gastric esophageal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease has 5% of patients with esophageal ulcer or esophageal stenosis.

Improve Indigestion

Secondly, malignant tumors, less than 2% of cases of indigestion due to malignancies of the stomach, esophagus. People who smoke or drink alcohol often experience esophageal cancer. Thirdly, other causes: people who had surgery due to stomach ulcers; People with fungal infections in the esophagus can cause heartburn or discomfort in the chest and cause painful swallowing; Gallbladder pain with chronic heartburn manifestations of indigestion; people with lactose intolerance due to lactase deficiency also produce bloating, discomfort and diarrhea; pancreatic diseases, hepatocellular carcinoma, chronic diarrhea, mesenteric ischemia, thyroid and parathyroid disease, congestive heart failure and tuberculosis ... all cause indigestion.
Things to do to improve indigestion
Depending on the level of indigestion, patients need to have appropriate management. If you only have mild indigestion, you do not need to take medication, just reassure yourself that your illness is not serious and can improve if you eat and drink in moderation.

Improve Indigestion

Patients should follow a diet that does not contain any steaming foods such as pickles, sweet potatoes, potatoes ... At the same time must use vapor-absorbing drugs, activated charcoal to reduce bloating and bloating. People taking drugs that have side effects that irritate the stomach lining such as diclofenac anti-inflammatory analgesics, aspirin ... must stop the medicine right away.

Improve Indigestion

Alcohol, coffee, or tobacco should be restricted or eliminated altogether because these substances act on the lower esophageal sphincter causing reflux. You should also follow a low-fat diet, avoid eating before going to bed and should lie on your head.
In case of mild and moderate indigestion, medication should be used to treat the cause. Acid inhibitors or neutralizers treat gastroesophageal reflux. Antihistamines such as cimetidine, rannitidine, famotidine ... work well.

Improve Indigestion

If the disease is severe, such as erosive or ulcerative esophagitis, gastric acid secretion medications such as omeprazole or lanzoprazol should be used ... Clarythromycin antibiotic in combination with amoxilin to kill Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause gastric ulcer.
If patients with gastroesophageal reflux do not respond to drug therapy, surgery may be used to address it. Surgery to treat gallbladder pain, benign or malignant tumors that cause disease ...

Improve Indigestion

For patients with lactase deficiency and chronic intermittent diarrhea, gastric ulcer, special treatment medicines must be used..

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