Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

The ankle joint is made up of 3 bones of tibia, fibula, talus, and is surrounded by a system of ligaments. The ligaments are responsible for helping the ankle operate in a balanced, firm position. If the tendons around the ankle joint are torn, the ankle will be less stable, the foot will be out or inward, more or less depending on the degree of injury to the ligament. The injury is worse, the bones that make up the ankle joint may even break.

. Even though the injury mechanism is as simple as tripping around the ankles and feet, do not underestimate it. Because such force is enough to cause you to fracture ankle, joint, requiring corrective surgery.
In these cases, most victims often think that a minor sprain should treat themselves in traditional ways such as disordering, leaf patching, alcohol bundling, etc
This often causes many complications.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

furthermore, if left late, it will be much harder to treat.
2. The most unpleasant complication of the bundle is dermatitis. Because right under the skin of the ankle is bone and hematoma due to trauma, so it is easy to develop infections that spread into the joints, in broken bones and surrounding healthy tissue.
Some cases of un-washed tobacco leaves can cause gangrene infection which is very dangerous, causing foot rot.
3. Injury to the ankle is especially easy to swell on a pillow
Right under the skin is bones and articular joints.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

This type of organization has many cultured blood vessels.
So this area is more likely to bleed. Around the ankles, there are many large superficial veins, easily causing swelling due to stagnation of blood returning to the heart.
4. Pain is minor and does not last long, usually feeling numb. Even with a broken bone, pain only appears during the first week. That is also the reason why people pay little attention to hurt.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

Prolonged swelling is often the main reason why patients come to the hospital to check for damage. Most patients worry that the pain is gone but is still swollen for weeks after the injury.
6. Limiting ankle movement such as folding the heart or folding the back of the foot will make the person have a limp gait. If this complication occurs after an injury, it is more likely that there is damage to the joints in the ankle.
7. Pain around the ankle accompanied by a slight swelling may be a sign of ankle injury after injury. It is usually due to a slug synovitis (sinus-tarsi syndrome) after injury to the ankle ligaments here.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

This condition makes people uncomfortable because they have taken anti-inflammatory medicine for a long time but do not completely go away.
8. Principle of initial management: R - I - C - E
R (rest): Resting, limiting movement of the ankles, can proceed with the protection brace.
I (ice): Apply a cool compress around the ankle with a nylon bag of ice.
C (compression): Use moderate pressure bandage from feet to knees to limit swelling due to venous stagnation.
E (elevation): Lying on a high foot helps facilitate venous blood circulation. Note should not millet too high, usually about 10-20cm is medium. Being too high will numb your legs by reducing the amount of arterial blood flowing to your feet.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

9. Check the ankles with X-ray to early detect fractures or dislocations such as ankle fractures, snail fractures, ankles dislocations, tibial plateau fractures, heel fractures.
10. If there is no fracture, the majority is damage to the ligaments and ankles, also known as sprains. It is necessary to fix the ankle position for a while so that the ligaments heal well.
Usually 3-6 weeks. After that, your ankle will be exercised for a few more weeks before you can recover like before injury.
Some patients who are impatient looking to other treatments can cause more complications.

Injury Joints And 10 Things To Know

At that time the treatment will also last many times..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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