Is Cancer Inherited?

People with family members who have had cancer, often wonder: is cancer inherited?
See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening
12 types of cancer have a genetic risk
Cancer is still considered to be non-contagious from person to person by contact whether it is respiratory cancer or any other type of cancer. But there are some types of cancer that have a genetic risk from family members. According to research by US scientists, there is a close relationship between cancer, genes and related mutations. Genetic cancer cells are stored in the next generation body as germ cells. Over time and the effects from habits, lifestyles, the environment in the process of living, these cells generate mutations, resulting in the next generation of genetic diseases from parents

. Based on the information gathered, the researchers determined that there are 12 types of cancer with a genetic risk, they differ in frequency, using penguin genes as a background. These genes are sometimes referred to as meaningless mutations because the gene is unable to function properly.
Among the 12 types of cancer, the highest genetic risk is ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, followed by stomach cancer, and breast cancer
4 types of cancer with a genetic mutation are prostate, head and neck, glial and lung cancers.

Is Cancer Inherited?

If a close relative (parent, sibling) has this type of cancer, their chance of getting it can increase.
Cancer is a disease caused by genetic damage
The majority of people with cancer are not genetically related and do not leave the disease for future generations. Only a small number of cancers are related to genetic genes. Fully understood, cancer is a disease caused by genetic damage - a genetic material of a cell. Only less than 10% of genetic damage is available in the body. These genetic damage can be inherited but not inherited for all generations of people with this gene. Only about 50% of their offspring will inherit those genes
Among children with cancer genes, not all will have cancer.

Is Cancer Inherited?

Only a very small percentage are likely to get cancer in their lifetime.
There are also more than 80% due to environmental factors affecting the body. These are unhealthy habits and lifestyles, alcohol and tobacco abuse, unsafe, unreasonable diet, physical inactivity, unsafe sex ... are major causes of health effects, weakening of the body's immune system, genetic damage, and cancer. These types of gene damage are not inherited.
In general, a person's cancer risk is most related to age and risk factors from habits, lifestyle, environment .

Is Cancer Inherited?

Early cancer screening - prevents genetic cancer risk
For those who have relatives who have had cancer, especially those in 12 types of cancer with high genetic risk, need cancer screening early, to eliminate concerns about whether cancer is inherited or not. .
Early screening is considered a "golden key" for early cancer detection, and is an effective cancer prevention method, reducing the risk of death and costs for patients. In fact, the majority of cancer patients now come to the examination in the condition that the disease has turned to late stage. When the diagnosis and diagnosis are clearly and specifically identified, the patient is often in the late stage; In addition to the tumor, a regional lymphoma and metastasis have arisen. The early detection and diagnosis of cancer is crucial for survival, because it greatly affects the management attitude of interventions, treatment results and prognosis; means that early diagnosis of cancer will help the treatment work.

Is Cancer Inherited?

The importance and necessity of the early diagnosis of cancer must be of interest to scientists and the community, while the risk factors for cancer are increasingly worrying..

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