Myalgia – Things To Know
Why does muscle hurt?
Exercise is an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle. Exercise helps joints, ligaments and tendons be flexible, increases muscle strength. However, if you do a new exercise or move to a higher level of exercise, your muscles may become sore during the first few days after the workout. This is because increased exercise puts pressure on the muscles, creating small tears in the muscle fibers. When the muscles heal, they become stronger and can withstand higher intensity
Why does muscle aches the most at a few days after exercise?
You may notice muscle pain while you are exercising. This is called acute pain. Usually muscle pain occurs about 12 hours after exercise, and is most painful 48 to 72 hours after exercise
It is thought that during this time, the body is healing the wounds of muscles, making it stronger and bigger. You may also find that muscles are better with gentle exercise. This is completely normal.
What to do to reduce myalgia?
There are several things you can do to help relieve muscle pain. You can:
Gentle strain
Muscle massage
Apply cold compresses to help reduce muscle swelling
Apply heat to help increase blood flow to the muscles
Using pain medicine, such as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID for short)
How to distinguish muscle pain and injury?
If you feel pain during a workout and still feel pain 72 hours after stopping the exercise, you probably have a muscle injury. If you think you have a broken muscle or a sprain, try the RICE method (short for English words: rest, ice, compression, and elevation; meaning rest, ice, bandage, and lift).
RICE method
Rest (Rest): When injured you should rest, can rest completely or partially, depending on the severity of the injury
Applying Ice (Ice): Using an ice pack, soaking your body in ice, or massaging with ice can reduce swelling, pain, bruising, and muscle spasms.
Continue to apply ice until 3 days after the injury.
Compression: A bandage around an injured area may be the best way to avoid swelling and bruising. Depending on the level, you can bandage the wound for 1 to 2 days or a week or more.
Elevation (Elevation): Raising the injured area equal to or higher than the position of the heart will help prevent the injured area to swell further, and help reduce bruises. Try to do so about 2 to 3 hours a day.
Consult your doctor or health facility if you have the following symptoms:
Muscle aches that last longer than a week.
More pain and pain when exercising.
If the skin is red, swollen, or is touched in a joint or muscle, it is warm.
Shortness of breath.
What to do to avoid muscle soreness?
To become healthier and more fit, you will always have a period of muscle pain. However, to minimize muscle pain, you may want to consider the following:
Boots up. Studies have shown that stretching before you exercise may not be as beneficial to muscles as starting. Starting up is the activity that you want to practice but is done at a lower intensity, like slow jogging, skipping, or light lifting. This helps the muscles get ready to work by slowly increasing blood flow to the muscles.
Drink water.
Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates joints, and helps transport nutrients, for energy and health. If you drink water improperly, the body will not be able to function at its maximum and may be the cause of more severe fatigue, cramps, dizziness, or other symptoms.
Rested. Allow your muscles to rest for 48 hours after exercising. For example, when jogging, you primarily use the muscles in the lower body. You should rest for 2 days to allow muscles to recover before continuing exercise. Without adequate rest, muscles can be damaged rather than grow better.
Use appropriate techniques.
If you are exercising at a gym or health club, you need to ask a trainer or instructor to know how to use the weight lifters, treadmill, or other equipment properly. The right technique will help avoid joint and muscle pain.
Relax. At the end of the exercise it is important to remember to stretch. Your muscles are more tense when warmed. Stretching helps you become more flexible while helping blood flow from the muscles back to the heart.
Practice within the allowed range. You may be tempted to do intense workouts, but remember to increase the intensity gradually.
Over time, you can lift weights or run faster. But increasing the intensity too quickly can cause injury.
References. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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