10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

Some women have noticed abnormalities in their health, but still insist that it cannot affect their lives, while others are too pessimistic, especially when they found out I have cancer.
Many people think that just getting cancer does not require any further treatment to be costly because sooner or later they will leave. However, experts say that this is a completely wrong view! In some cases, if detected and treated early, the patient is completely cured.
Most people are in critical condition because they are afraid to face the fact that they have cancer despite having many different types of cancer and some of which can be cured, or they may refuse treatment due to lack of knowledge leading to unfortunate results.
Cancer is growing and is a concern for women
As mentioned above, there are many different types of cancer that we may have, each with its own symptoms, even those with different resistance can get sick

. discovered at different stages. Besides, there are also many cases of cancer without showing any strange signs or symptoms appearing in the late stages.
Therefore, the following 10 common symptoms may help you to detect this disease early:
Sudden weight loss with no known cause
This may be due to diet, rest, and non-moderation work leading to weight loss, but once you do, you need to pay attention to your health right away
Usually we should see a doctor if they lose 4 to 5 kg in a month.

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

If you have unexplained weight loss, see your doctor immediately
You should also note that this may be a sign of cancer, especially colon cancer or other parts of the digestive system. Therefore, going to the doctor is essential that you should do at that time.
Abdominal bloating
Bloating is a common symptom in women. Sometimes even normal healthy people have bloating and indigestion several times a year. However, if you find yourself having unusually flatulence several times a week and this symptom is not caused by a menstrual period or by dressing too tight, then it is time for your health to speak up.
Flatulence is sometimes accompanied by symptoms of lower abdomen or pelvis. For some people, even when you're not full, you feel upset
It could be a symptom of ovarian cancer.

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

This type of disease is difficult to detect in the early stages, so as soon as you see the strange symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately for advice.
See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening
Abnormal bleeding
Any unusual vaginal bleeding can be a sign that you're having a health problem. As a woman, everyone knows about their period, and once the cycle changes suddenly, accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor ... then you probably have cervical cancer. or uterus.
Chest has a change
If you notice small tumors, or simply see abnormal changes in the skin around the chest such as itching, flaking continuously for several weeks .

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

.. then you probably have breast cancer.
Abnormal change in breast size may be a sign of cancer v
Skin surface changes
If you see a natural warts on your skin, or have strange colors, rashes, etc., you should see a doctor because you may have skin cancer. The first signs of the disease are easy to identify through skin color, shape, acne size and density of acne ...

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

Difficulty swallowing
Do you find it difficult to swallow food or food is always stuck in the throat and this symptom is common everyday? It could be a testament to whether you have esophageal cancer or throat cancer.
Dull pain, fever or cough
This is one of the vague symptoms and is often an early manifestation of the same many diseases including cancer. If this symptom persists, along with other signs, you may have leukemia, more specifically, leukemia or lymphoma.
Swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are usually found on either side of the neck or under the armpits. It is usually mildly inflamed when infected and will return to normal after the infection is treated.
Swollen lymph nodes are also a sign of cancer
However, if it keeps growing over time, the small tumors do not disappear and especially not due to an infection but it becomes swollen ...

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

then you may have leukemia or cancer. lymph.
Mouth sores
Usually smokers will get oral cancer. Initial symptoms include sores on the lips or in the mouth, white spots on the tongue ... Sometimes people with the disease also often bleed teeth. The disease is curable, so you should see your doctor soon to discover it.

10 Warning Signs Of Women Suffering From Cancer

Tired and weak
Many people are quite subjective when thinking r.

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