11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

The following 11 foods are not only delicious, but to a certain extent help women regulate the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of gynecological diseases ... The diet is not only delicious, but more importantly, See if it can give your body what to bring about nutrition.
The following 11 foods are not only delicious, but to a certain extent help women regulate the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of gynecological diseases

Anemia: Foods high in iron
Periodic blood loss, childbirth, and other causes make up about 30% of women with mild anemia. If not detected, supplemented, treatment will easily lead to chronic anemia, reduced ovarian function and affect women's health.Gan, lean meat, spinach and other foods not only contain High iron content that the body easily absorbs

Health experts also remind women during menstruation should limit tea and coffee as much as possible to avoid one of the iron absorption inhibitors.

11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

Menstrual discomfort: Drink hot milk with honey
Abdominal pain, lumbar weakness, body fatigue, sleep disorders and emotional irritability and other symptoms ... bring discomfort to women during menstruation. Obstetricians and gynecologists have recently found that menstrual women drink one cup of hot milk and honey every night before going to bed to alleviate pain or eliminate discomfort during periods. Menstrual effect.
Because the potassium in milk can soothe emotions, relieve pain, prevent infections and reduce the role of blood; The magnesium present in honey can stabilize the central nervous system to help eliminate women's menstrual stress

Dysmenorrhea: Eating bananas
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which vitamin B6 plays a role in nerve stabilization.

11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

Not only does it stabilize women's anxiety during menstruation, but it also improves sleep, significantly reducing abdominal pain.
Migraine: Eat magnesium food foods
Migraines are more common in women of reproductive age. Research shows that some migraine patients have low blood magnesium levels. Paying attention to magnesium-rich foods like millet, buckwheat, beans, bananas, nuts and seafood in the diet can reduce the onset of migraines.
Depression: eat fish
Due to hormonal changes, women are at greater risk of depression than men. Research shows that regularly eating salmon, sardines are rich in Omega-3s to help women reduce depression and reduce the incidence of depression. Because these fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, they have an antidepressant effect.
Falling estrogen: Eat soy
Estrogen is an important sex hormone in the female body.

11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

When it is lower than the normal level in the blood, it causes the reproductive and sexual function of the affected women, and also causes the heart to lose their protection.
Soy isoflavones are substances that can compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body. Drinking 500 ml of milk a day or eating 100 grams of soy products such as tofu, Yuba, etc., can regulate endocrine function, promote normal estrogen levels.
Fungal vaginitis: Eat more garlic
Eating garlic regularly will help women with vaginitis have a better chance against fungal vaginitis and it will recover more quickly because garlic contains allicin and other substances, the sulfuricides themselves. however, has a strong bactericidal effect, inhibits Candida albicans in the vagina overgrowth and multiply.
Breast disease: Eat cereal and seaweed foods
One study found that women of childbearing age on a diet high in whole grains would help maintain proper estrogen levels in blood circulation (high estrogen levels cause a variety of breast diseases).
Kelp contains large amounts of iodine, which can stimulate the pituitary gland secretion of the corpus luteum, promote ovarian follicular luteinization and maintain lower estrogen levels.

11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

Therefore, regular consumption of kelp will help prevent and treat breast cancer.
Gynecological cancer: Eat lots of red fruits and vegetables
Red apples, red peppers, other red fruits and vegetables contain a natural chemical composition, which can inhibit the growth of some cells in gynecological tumors.
By reducing the estrogen response of cells, these foods have a role in preventing gynecological cancer. In addition, onions, purple grapes and other fruits and vegetables have the same effect.
Ovarian cancer: Eat lots of foods rich in calcium
A large survey found that women who absorbed enough calcium had a 54% lower chance of developing ovarian cancer compared to women who were deficient in this substance. That's because adequate calcium helps control the growth and spread of cancer cells, so women should pay attention to the right foods to supplement with calcium.
Especially in postmenopausal women and older women, the recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg. To achieve this, it is necessary to drink milk or eat dairy products every day, shrimp, fish.

11 Delicious Foods That Can Prevent Gynecological Diseases

, seaweed, and other food ...
Breast cancer: Drinking red wine

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