13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

Watermelon is a fruit rich in vitamins and healthy nutrients such as vitamin A, B6, C potassium lycopene and citrulline. However, not everyone can eat watermelon well, and not everyone knows how to eat watermelon properly. Here are 13 prohibitions when eating watermelon can cause some dangerous side effects for the body that you need to know well to not suffer.
Do not eat bananas with watermelon
Watermelons are high in sugar content, up to about 15% and very rich in potassium. Meanwhile, bananas are also rich in potassium, about 300-500 mg / 100g

. Therefore, for patients with kidney failure should not eat simultaneously with 2 fruits containing high levels of potassium such as bananas and watermelon. If the content of potassium in the blood increases, it can cause heart rhythm disorders, seriously affecting the health of the patient.
Do not eat watermelon before and after meals
Watermelon is a juicy fruit, if eaten before and after meals, will dilute gastric juices in the stomach, affecting the ability to digest and absorb food
In addition, when large intake of water into the body will cause feelings of fullness, reducing factors that stimulate eating, affecting health.

13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

Therefore, people who want to lose weight can eat moderate amount of watermelon right before meals to limit the amount of food intake.
Eat watermelon before and after meals, will dilute gastric juices in the stomach, affecting the ability to digest and absorb food
Do not eat too much
Watermelon is a welding food, so do not eat too much because it will cause diarrhea, bloating, anorexia ... In addition, 94% of watermelon is water, with such a large amount of water it will dilute gastric juice. thick, indigestion and affect digestive function.
Do not eat a lot of cold watermelon
In the summer, cold watermelons are always the first choice to quench thirst
However, eating a lot of cold watermelon will have a significant effect on the stomach.

13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

Make sure the temperature is good to keep watermelons fresh, not too cold.
You can put whole watermelon in the last compartment of the refrigerator, keeping it at a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees C. At this temperature, you can make sure the fresh melon and keep the taste of melon. Each time does not exceed 500 grams, eat slowly is best.
Should preserve the last compartment of the refrigerator, kept at a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees C, just make sure melons are fresh and retain the taste of melon
Easy to convert into fat
Watermelon is very high in sugar, easy to convert into fat, so for those who are planning to lose weight, they should consider when choosing this fruit.
Do not eat watermelon when the body is cold
When the body is cold, do not eat watermelon. Because welding watermelon will aggravate cold symptoms. When the cold increases, the body will have a high fever, thirst, sore throat, dark urine .

13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

.. making the disease worse.
Do not eat watermelon added for too long
In high summer temperatures, bacteria thrive. If watermelon has been added for too long at room temperature will be invaded by bacteria, when ingested can cause digestive diseases such as diarrhea.
People with kidney failure should not eat
Because kidney function reduces water excretion, patients with kidney disease often suffer from edema. If you eat too much watermelon, it will cause water retention. The swelling is increasingly serious, leading to fatigue and exhaustion.

13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

So, people with kidney disease or kidney disease should eat less or should not eat watermelon to ensure health.
Patients with renal impairment should not eat more watermelon because it will cause water retention that makes the swelling worse
Do not eat while having inflammation or mouth ulcers
According to Oriental medicine, the cause of mouth ulcers is due to negative internal heat, upper fire. Watermelon has a diuretic effect, if people with mouth ulcers eat too much watermelon, it will cause water in the body to be excreted quickly and cause water shortage in the oral cavity, making the mouth more dry, causing sound loss. , hot in, long process of disease is difficult to treat the root.
Diabetics limit eating watermelon
Watermelon contains glucose, cane sugar, and fructose, so when the watermelon is eaten, the blood sugar level is high.
With normal people, the body will secrete insulin which helps maintain stable blood sugar and urine levels. For patients with diabetes, the opposite is true, eating a lot of watermelon causes blood sugar to rise, causing metabolic disorders in the body, leading to poisoning, even life-threatening.
Pregnant women
Eating too much watermelon during pregnancy will cause blood sugar levels to rise.

13 Taboo When Eating Watermelon Not Everyone Knows

During pregnancy, the psychology of women is unstable, physiology also has many changes, the amount of insulin released is insufficient, causing the effect of blood sugar decreased, high blood sugar levels, causing diabetes. pregnancy line.
Besides, eating cold watermelon can easily make pregnant women have stomach ache and diarrhea. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat too much watermelon, should not eat chilled watermelon, no matter how hot the summer day.
Eating too much watermelon during pregnancy will cause blood sugar levels to rise
Do not eat watermelon much in the evening

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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