5 Basic Things About Male Fertility

According to statistics, the cause of infertility in men accounts for 40%. Without proper attention to fertility, the consequences will be very unpredictable. Always remember, in order to create a little angel, both the wife and the husband need to take care of their fertility in the best way.
Here are some basic facts about male fertility that you need to know.
Fertility depends on diet, working environment and stable health
In daily routines, men inadvertently cause serious harm to their health such as:
Exposure to toxic chemicals
For those who have frequent exposure to toxic chemicals such as metal workers, woodworkers, welders, the risk of infertility and sperm health is much greater than that of the subjects

. other. Therefore, to ensure the health of yourself, you should pay attention to the regime of living or can seek advice from your doctor to ensure the best for your fertility.
This is one of the habits that can cause negative effects on health
Smoking is linked to erectile dysfunction, which has a negative effect on sperm count and shape.

5 Basic Things About Male Fertility

The only way to improve is to get rid of this habit as soon as possible.
Men who smoke a lot of cigarettes can reduce sperm motility
Use alcoholic beverages
Causes decreased sperm count, poor motility and abnormal shape. If you want to give birth in a natural way without resorting to supportive methods, you should abstain from beer and alcohol before 1 month.
Sexually transmitted disease
If you have any of the symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, see your doctor right away. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to infertility if not treated promptly. To avoid the risk of infection, get regular checkups even when there are no symptoms.
Don't underestimate if others tell you to be "too fat" or "too thin," because weight can have a negative impact on semen health
If you are underweight, BMI below 20 has lower sperm concentration and sperm count, so do obese men with lower testosterone levels and fewer sperm count.

5 Basic Things About Male Fertility

Age is a concern for men
If a woman's fertility declines with age, men are no exception. Male fertility is also affected by age, though not as strongly as in women.
The age of men is related to genetic problems and some other birth defects. The age of males is also associated with an increase in autism and schizophrenia in later children.
High heat is not good for sperm
High temperatures are bad news for sperm. Sources of heat that may have an adverse effect on sperm include:
Hot bath too long
Sitting and office work with your feet crossed for a long time
Working with laptop on lap ...

5 Basic Things About Male Fertility

High temperatures have a longer lasting impact than you imagine. Therefore, you should stay away from places with high temperatures or avoid doing things to heat the vagina for a long time to ensure the best reproductive health.
The rate of infertility among men is increasingly common
Couples should get tested and treated if they are not pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. The couple should go to the gynecologist to see, because according to statistics, the cause of infertility in men accounts for 40%.
Symptoms of infertility in men are not clear manifestations
Male infertility usually has no obvious external signs. But there are signs you should pay attention to early examination such as:
One testicle has an abnormal shape
Having sexually transmitted diseases
Erectile dysfunction
Low libido.
Testicular swelling, pain, or a tumor ..

5 Basic Things About Male Fertility


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