5 Causes Affecting Sperm Quality

The husband's sperm quality plays a very important role in conception. Therefore, the following points should be paid attention to minimize the harmful agents and maintain the best sperm quality.
1. Age
Normally, sperm vitality is inversely proportional to the increase in age. Accordingly, the age from 20 to 40 is the time vitality of the most flexible sperm and this is also the "golden age" of the gentlemen

. After 40 years of age the sperm's vitality will decrease by 0.7% and the abnormal sperm will increase more and more. By the age of 60 80% sperm can be deformed

Therefore, to save money, time and achieve high success rates, couples experiencing reproductive abnormalities should implement supportive methods as soon as possible.

5 Causes Affecting Sperm Quality

2. Drinking, smoking
The effects of smoking on sperm are huge. According to a study, comparing the smokers and non-smokers, the main standards showing sperm quality are significantly reduced, the proportion of malformed sperm also increases. Alcohol also has a direct effect on the testes. Long-term drinking will cause testicular atrophy, reducing sperm quality.
Therefore, before intending to have children, the husband should abstain, absolutely do not use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, drugs, .

5 Causes Affecting Sperm Quality

3. Mobility
Scientific research has found that if a male's body is obese, a rise in his groin temperature will affect sperm growth. Moderate exercise can help increase sperm vitality, create hormonal balance in the body, especially to maintain the level of excretion of male sex hormones.
However, too much exercise, such as maratong running or long-distance cycling, can also affect sperm growth.
4. Temperature
Habits like wearing tight-fitting pants, going to the sauna, soaking in hot water, putting a laptop on your lap will heat up locally, resulting in increased testicle temperature, which in turn decreases growth and vitality of sperm.
5. Chemicals
Phthalates exist everywhere in our environment.

5 Causes Affecting Sperm Quality

These types of substances that exist in food or in cosmetics can affect hormones, decrease sperm count, decrease in function, and anomalies that lead to changes in the testicle structure. decrease in sperm count.
However, the most common sources of phthalate that we can avoid are vinyl products including: showers, food containers; fragrance products such as perfumes, scented candles, fresheners, laundry detergents, soap, shampoos, hair sprays, body lotions, deodorants.
Currently, Ruby Hospital is implementing methods to support couples who have reproductive problems: weak, deformed, immobile sperm, etc. Depending on the actual situation, doctors will advise. choose between IUI sperm injection method or IVF IVF under Vietnam-Thailand joint program.
See also 15% Discount Pre-marital health check package
For advice on infertility treatment please contact:
Phone: 091 596 0139 or 04 39 275 578, ext 2221

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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